Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Chloe's Graduated!

Chloe had her last day of preschool last week and as she'll gladly tell anyone who will listen, she is officially a kindergartner! 

For her last day of preschool, Chloe and her classmates sang some songs for us parents. Chloe had been practicing the songs at home for us daily, multiple times a day might I add, for weeks. Needless to say she was a bit excited to perform. 

I had been warned by her teacher that I have a little performer on my hands. And that Chloe was, well, LOUD (in a good way, of course)! Now I know my daughter can err on the loud side, but I wasn't prepared for the magnitude of exactly how loud she was compared to her peers. I think this little video clip of the class performing illustrates said loudness pretty well. My daughter is the one you can hear above all the rest. (Please excuse the quality of the video clip. I'm not quite sure why it uploaded so poorly??)

To say she isn't shy is an understatement. Chloe thrives being on stage. We had several adults suggest we take her to Hollywood immediately to begin her career as a star. Ha! 

Here are a few photos of Chloe with her class. She has had such a positive experience in preschool and made several great friends over the year.

Chloe with her friend Reagan while they're singing. It was so cute how Reagan and Chloe kept looking at each other while they were performing...

Holding their certificates of completion...

The entire preschool class... 

Chloe with her friend Ella (and bro Gavin too!)...

Chloe with her teacher, Ms. Bohr...

I can't believe my budding singer/actress is not a preschooler anymore but a young lady ready to take on elementary school. Yes, to no one's surprise who knows me at all, tears were shed. 

I love you, Chloe, and am so happy you are the outgoing, kind, joyful little lady you are! You're going to conquer kindergarten as you do everything else in life!


  1. SHE IS SO ADORABLE!!! I can't believe how much she has grown! What a sweetheart.

    Happy Graduation Day~



  2. Love those preschool years -- they go by so fast! She is beautiful!

  3. Congratulations to your little girl. They grow up so fast. I love her dress btw, where did you buy it?
