Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Coop and Chloe's Birthday

We had the joint birthday party for Cooper and Chloe last night. It was a great time with our family & friends and of course there's a lot of photos. It was hard, but I think I narrowed it down to a handful (large handful) of photos to share. And thanks to everyone for coming & for the gifts! You all made the party special for our birthday kids!

We started the party with food. Here's the guests of honor eating.

Cooper blowing out the candles on his construction-themed cake.

Chloe eating her Care Bears cake. Yummm!

Rita walking with Chloe. The Grandmas.

Here's Gabe entertaining Chloe before we open presents.

Chloe (& Dad) with her presents.

Cooper with his presents.

Both Cooper & Chloe got sunglasses, thanks to Grandpa.
Aren't they cute!

When asked what he wanted for his birthday, Cooper told Grandma he wanted pickles. So, he got pickles!

Cooper's silly face!

Chloe playing with her new toy today, with Gabe's help of course!

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