Monday, May 26, 2008

One Year in the Life of Chloe

Today Chloe turns one! I have been thinking about the past year and how fast it has gone by. I remember being in the hospital and Chloe being born just like it was yesterday! The shock of finding out that the baby I was sure would be a boy was actually a girl. The excitement of first thinking about all of the mother/daughter events in life we could share together, just as I had shared with my own mother. The joy of seeing Gabe & Cooper love their little sister from the moment they first saw her. These memories are as fresh in my mind as the day they happened!
She was such a beautiful baby, and so loud! I remember one of the nurses commenting on how she is definitely one of the loudest newborns she's ever heard.
And what a beautiful and joyful little girl she has grown to be! I am so thankful for Chloe and for our wonderful family!
I thought that I would share some photos of Chloe from the past year in honor of her one year birthday!

Chloe's first photo

Chloe's first bath...she hated it!

Chloe with mom & dad. I love this photo. Look at Jason admiring his little sweet!

Chloe's first day at home, being held by her big brothers.

Chloe at 3 weeks.

Chloe at 6 weeks. This was her first smile captured in a photo.

Chloe's first hayrack ride. Yes, this was Cooper's idea, to have dad put Chloe on his toy hayrack.

Chloe at 5 months.

Chloe at 7 months. This is one of my favorite photos, with her big smile. I think she looks like a china doll.

Chloe at 11 months, with milk drool on her face.

Chloe with her favorite chicken book.

Chloe in her pretty red cherry dress.

1 comment:

  1. Pictures of your babies are being used in a fake profile here
