Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I love motherhood. Sure, there are days when I feel frustrated, overwhelmed and exhausted. But those days are far outweighed by the days when my kids make me laugh so hard my stomach hurts, cry because I'm so proud of who they're becoming and think in amazement that the Lord chose to bless me with such wonderful kids! This is the most challenging job, and the most rewarding job I could ever have, and I'm so grateful to have it.

In honor of mother's day, I thought I'd write an
'ode to my three children'.
So here we go:
I love that I have three children who are completely different from each other.
I love that Gabe can start laughing for no particular reason, that Cooper laughs like Ernie from Sesame Street, and that Chloe laughs with a crinkled nose.
I love that Gabe loves being a big brother and takes pride in protecting his siblings.
I love that Cooper isn't happy unless everyone is happy & that making others happy is what he loves to do.
I love that Chloe is happy all the time.
I love that I am there everyday for them and every night too.
I love to hold them when they're sick, when they're sad, when they're hurt, or when they just need to be held.
And I love that they call me Mama.
I love my children more than words can ever say, and I pray that they will always know that my love is never ending and not dependent on what they do, but simply because they're mine, on loan from God.

And it is so important to remember that our children are on loan from God. It's so easy to place your own expectations or wishes on your children, but this is not our purpose. Our purpose as parents is to raise our children up with the tools to be light in a dark world, to be servants with a heart for the Lord and a desire to shine brightly for Him, not for themselves or for their parents or for anyone else. More than anything, I pray that as their mother, I will raise Gabe, Cooper and Chloe with a prayerful heart to know and love the Lord with all their hearts and all their minds and all their souls. And it doesn't matter to me what they grow up to be, just that they grow up with a passion and love for the Lord.

Since I missed a Mother's Day post because my wonderful husband chose to surprise me with a trip to Wisconsin Dells (I will post swimming pictures soon), I am posting some photos of me with my kids a little late in honor of Mother's Day.

Goofy pictures of Cooper & I and Gabe & I in the Durango on the way to Wisconsin this past Sunday.

Cooper, 1 day old * Chloe, 1 day old

Cooper, Chloe & I at Wisconsin Dells

Gabe and I skiing in Colorado

I also want to make sure this Mother's Day to thank my Mom for always being there for me, and for loving me so unselfishly & unconditionally,
and for Jason's mom for raising such a wonderful man
who I am proud to call my husband.
We love you moms!

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