Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My Mother's Day Gift

My wonderful hubbie had many surprises in store for
Mother's Day.
He got me this:

This necklace is so cute and features teenie tiny initials of all three kids engraved on sterling circles strung with one freshwater pearl, from Lisa Leonard designs: If you go to the website, there are other designs where your children's names are engraved on one pendant, but I honestly think Jason chose this particular design because it can be added to if he gets his way for more children, lol. Too Cute!
But not only did he get me the necklace, he also surprised us with a trip to the Wisconsin Dells. I am ashamed to say that this is my first trip to Wisconsin! I know, you're thinking, 'It's so close to is that even possible!' But before I met Jason, I had seriously been to only two other states besides Iowa. Pitiful, I know.
Anyway, I really enjoyed my first trip to Wisconsin and can definitely see our family going back to the dells in the future. We stayed at the Wilderness Waterpark Resort,, which was so nice and so gigantic. I highly recommend staying there if you're ever in the area. The kids had a blast at the resort's waterparks, and Jason and I loved it too. I think my favorite was the 'Wild Waterdome.' It had a giant wave pool and a roof that allowed for year-round tanning, making that place so nice and warm. Ahhhh, I want to go back right now.
Warning: prepare for picture overload. Here we go:

The Car Ride...
We stopped at a gas station on the way and all the boys went inside and left us girls in the Durango. Above, Chloe was sitting in her seat in the very back and just looking & smiling at me, so I thought I'd get her out. We then decided to have a photo shoot...

She's so cute! She was just sitting in Cooper's seat looking around at everything. I think she was enjoying a different point of view than what she normally has in her rear-facing car seat.

Chloe signature nose crinkle that she does
when she gets excited or laughs,
as she is doing in the above photos. What a goof!

More photos of Chloe...this girl has to get so tired of mom
taking pictures. But she's just so cute!

When Cooper got back from being in the gas station and saw Chloe in his seat, he of course wanted to hold her. So here's the two of them in Coop's seat. He asked if she could stay with him,
but I told him she had to sit in her own seat.
He then said, 'Ok, so the policeman doesn't take Chloe to jail.'
Yup, that's two-year-old logic for ya!

Here's Gabe & I. I decided to sit back with the boys for awhile during the trip.

The boys wanted me to take photos of their feet of all things! So, here's Gabe's bare foot and Cooper's shoe. Interesting, I know!

Swimming, swimming & more swimming...

Gabe's face when he sees the wave pool pretty much says it all. WOAH!!!

Jason with the boys on a raft in the wave pool.

Our kids are definitely water kids. They had so much fun!

Here's Gabe & Cooper on the baby water slide.
That's about as adventurous as Gabe gets.
There's no way he was going on the slide Jason is on in the photo below:

Here's Cooper pushing Chloe in the water swing.
And there he is again pumping water.
What a little worker!

Just the girls!

There's Chloe and a friend she made in the raft. This little girl, who told me she's 4, followed us around for awhile. I'm not sure where her parents were, but she sure loved Chloe.

Dad & the kids. Jason, just one of the kids in the wave pool!

Here's Chloe enjoying a snack. We got these frozen juice Minute Maid Popsicles for a snack & they were super good.
I highly recommend them!

Time to go...
Here's Gabe when we told him we'd better get going.
Mr. Drama King!

Here's Cooper...pretty please, can we stay a little longer???

Here's Chloe's reaction to leaving. Doesn't it look like she's flashing the "loser" sign?!?

Our happy trio gave Wisconsin Dells rave reviews!
What a great trip!

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