Thursday, July 17, 2008

Coop's New Friend

Gabe has had many girls he's been pretty fond of so far in his short life. But Cooper has never seemed to notice or care about girls...until now. When you ask him about vacation bible school, chances are he'll talk about Ariana. 'She's my friend,' he says, with a sweet smile on his face. Ariana is also 3 years old, so they're able to communicate with the same 3-year-old mentality. In the short few minutes I was observing them, she kissed a scrape on his foot and said, 'It's all better now,' and then they started chasing each other. What more could you ask for in a friend, lol. The nursery workers said that when they took the kids on a walk, Cooper and Ariana held hands the whole time. They were still holding hands after VBS was over yesterday so I snapped a couple photos.
Two happy three-year-olds!

I like this picture, Cooper smiling at Ariana. How cute!

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