Thursday, July 17, 2008


A few days ago while I was mowing the lawn, Jason and the boys found a couple of salamanders up by our house. One was actually hiding under a scrap piece of siding laying on the ground, and the other Cooper found all by himself. Anyway, we thought with the Vacation Bible School theme being, "Amazon Expedition," we'd keep them and take them to church so that Gabe could show his friends.
What a hit! As soon as Gabe brought out the bucket which we had made into a salamander 'house' with water & rocks, the kids swarmed! Of course, what kid doesn't want to hold a slimy lizard.
Thought I'd share a few photos of our new buddies!
The boys each holding a salamander. Love the thumbs up from Gabe. What a goof!

Gabe and his new buddy. He named him squirmy, because he's 'hard to hold on to.'

Gabe showing the salamander at VBS.

The little guy's closeup in Jason's hands.

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