Monday, July 21, 2008

Garden Update

I haven't given any updates since our garden was originally planted back in May. An update is long overdue. Although the garden is desperately in need of a good weeding, it is still growing very nicely.
Below, the boys standing by the giant sunflower plants. The plants are getting so tall, they'll be blooming any day now!

Cooper checking out the tomatoes.
Not quite ripe yet, but getting big!

Cooper next to 'his' flowers. Technically, they're my flowers, as Cooper originally gave them to me as a mother's day gift from his Sunday School class, but he calls them his flowers. (His teacher, Miss Rhonda, was so thoughtful and sent a flower home with each child to give to the moms to plant at home. Just a side note: Miss Rhonda has taught both Gabe & Cooper and they both LOVE her! She's the best Sunday School teacher ever!)

{Cherry Tomatoes}


We decided to cut some flowers and
make a few arrangements for the house.

{I love flowers!}

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