Friday, September 5, 2008

Cooper the Cubbie, Gabe the Sparkie

The Awana program at our church started up again this week. Gabe graduated from being a Cubbie to now being a Sparkie. And Cooper started Cubbies this year, so we had a big night.
Cooper in particular was very excited to start Cubbies. Ever since Gabe was a Cubbie, Cooper has asked when it's his turn. Wednesday, his turn finally came.
Cooper looked so little out there with all the other kids. He was so cute standing in line next to the other Cubbies saying the Pledge of Allegiance. They were all so clueless (Cubbies are ages 3 & 4.)
Gabe enjoyed Sparkies, and especially loves that his group's leader is Miss Rhonda, the Sanders Kids' favorite Sunday School teacher ever!!!
My job on Wednesday was to take photos of each of the Sparkies and T&T students...that's over 80 photos! So I was busy and forgot to take many photos of my own kids. But I did get a closeup of Cooper right before the night began.
Look at that handsome little Cubbie!

And the only photo I have of Gabe from the night is his Sparkie mugshot, but better than nothing...

Now, we start learning our bible verses for next week. Cooper already knows his, that little over-achiever. Gabe isn't quite as into learning the verses, which are more involved as a Sparkie, so this could prove to be a little challenging. But I pray that both of the boys can not only memorize their verses, but really hide God's Word in their hearts and live what they learn.

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