Saturday, September 6, 2008


Ok, this is just getting weird, and I have to share it with someone!!!
So, I'll share it with all of you! Let me explain...
It happens to me all the time. It seemed to start happening in college, and has continued to happen quite frequently ever since. I've heard those words so many times, from so many different people, that it's become a regular occurrence in my life. I'm talking about the words...
"Do you know who you look like?" ...followed by their opinion of who they think I look like.
At first I thought, 'I must just have one of those faces.'
You know, one of those familiar faces?
And maybe I do.
But then, it really doesn't make a lot of sense, because I'm not told I look like the same person every time. It's different people, who really don't look that much like each other. Actually, the only thing they have in common is dark hair.
It happened again today...a complete stranger stopped me and said,
"You look just like that American Idol girl...Katherine McPhee."
Actually, she's one of my so-called "look-a-likes" that's been referenced on more than one occasion. I remember, right off the top of my head, four different people who have said I look like Katherine McPhee.
And it's not always time my brother actually posted a Home Depot ad on his refrigerator because a girl in the ad resembled me.. And another time, he called me because he thought a girl on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition looked like me. And another time Jason got a vacation magazine in the mail, and it looked like I was captured in a photo sitting on a surf board off the coast of California. But of course, none of those people were me...just look-a-likes.
So what you think? Below is a photo of one of my alleged look-a-likes, Katherine McPhee, and one of me.
Side note: The photo of me is one that Gabe took while playing around with the camera. He's still into telling me how to 'pose,' so you'll notice my face resting on my hand. Yup, Gabe's idea :) What a little photographer that Gabe is!
Anyway, what do you think? Should I start a new career as an impersonator?
Katherine McPhee

And me...


  1. I don't really think this picture looks like you. It's not a bad picture it just doesn't look like you.

  2. Hey love from liberty :) Do you mean the photo of me doesn't look like me, lol? Or the photo of mcphee?

  3. I think you should start a career!!:) I can see why people think you look like her...


  4. Suz...speaking of look-a-likes, I am thinking you look a tad like the girl from High School Musical. Has anyone told you that?

  5. I never realized you looked so much alike until seeing this photo with yours... But MAN do you ever! I bet you will continue to get stoppped for a long time...

  6. Haha! No I havent been told that. But I HAVE been told that I look like Im only 16. So...I figure looking like the girl from high school musical/ a highschooler... its pretty much the same thing!:)

    However, I have had someone say I look like the girl from Harry Potter...Emma Watson?? Don't really know about that one either...
