Thursday, October 30, 2008

I should be packing, but...

So, I suppose I should be packing considering we leave tomorrow on our family vacation. The plan is to pick Gabe up from school at 3:20 p.m. and then head off to our wonderful 19 hour drive down to Myrtle Beach. I'm sure this could qualify for insanity...locking yourselves in the car with three children for 19 hours, one of which spent the day getting sugared up at his class Halloween party. Tis' the plan we chose, and we'll have fun with it!
But, I digress.
This post is really about our house. We met with a builder & home designer on Wednesday who came to our house to help us figure out a house plan to incorporate all that we want out of our enormous, 5,000 + square foot house. Why did we build that huge addition again? Oh yeah...that was Jason and his secret plan to try to convince me that we need to fill the 5,000 square foot of lonely house with kids.
Then we could have more slave labor for our house projects to do things like this...

{Seriously though, what boy wouldn't love hitting a wall with a hammer?!? It's hardly slave labor...look at those smiles:}

But really, we have so many possibilities with how to use the space, and since we're gutting most of the upstairs, we'll have a blank canvas to create the space we want. That's the good part. The bad part, of course, is the fact that a blank canvas means a lot of work. Not so good. But, as always, I'll choose to focus on the good, because that makes for a much happier me!
Anyway, in preparation for the meeting, my job was to come up with some photos of rooms and house ideas that I like.
Thought I'd share one. Take a look at this ultimate craft/creative room below. I'm thinking in our 5,000 sq. ft. house, we may be able to find room for something like this! And a room like this could definitely encourage me to pick up a new hobby, like maybe scrap booking?
If only a room like this also brought with it the spare time I'd need for a new hobby!

1 comment:

  1. You definitely need a room like this one!
    1.) you have soooo many pictures = they need to be scrapbooked...

    2.) I love scrapbooking!!!:) ha.
