Saturday, November 1, 2008


I wanted to let everyone know that we made it safely to Myrtle Beach. It was a long drive, but one that we can proudly say we survived!
The temperature upon arrival in Myrtle Beach this afternoon was an ideal 72 degrees. It's so beautiful here, and we're excited to spend our upcoming week exploring the area.
But first, let me back up and post a few photos from the kids' trick-or-treating. We thought we would stop along the way to have a break from the drive and let the kids stretch their legs while collecting candy. What a perfect break from a long drive!
We arrived in Bettendorf just in time for our Halloween fun, so we found a random neighborhood off the interstate and let the kids go to it! And I don't remember better weather for trick-or-treating ever!!!
{Here's our two superheros and our little lady bug.}

{Of course we had to have a superhero 'muscle' pose. And aren't the bags cute!?! 'Grandma' Rita made them for the kids. }

{And I love this one of Jason & Chloe! Ahhhhh.}

Tomorrow I will start posting about our time here, but thought since we missed yesterday's Halloween post, I'd start there!
Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you made it down there in one piece and with all 3 kids! :) 19 hours in a car is a loong time. What fun to stop and trick or treat at a random neighborhood. I bet the boys will never forget that.
    It's so neat to see where you are staying. What a neat place. I'm not sure I could live with the colors longer than a week or so though ;) A purple kitchen?!?! :)
    When I was looking at them Tim walked thru and said "She ALREADY has pictures up?" I said "She has been gone for 3 days" LOL
    Have a great day!!!
