Monday, February 9, 2009

Become a Person of Praise

I try to live my life as a praise to God, giving thanks for the good and, with the Lord's help, overcoming the bad. But we all know that when everything in life seems difficult, perhaps too much to bear, it is easy to become a grumbler. Everyone knows a grumbler, someone who is always looking at the glass half empty. Someone who is pessimistic at heart. But how much of a testimony is that to our Lord? I would venture to say that being a grumbler is actually an insult to Him, and a disappointment.

One of my favorite verses is...

"Be joyful always, pray continually,
give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

II Thessalonians 5:16-18

How are we able to live out God's will for us to be joyful and thankful when we're wallowing in self pity and negativity, when we're so self absorbed that all we can think about is what our lives our lacking? And after all, if we have Jesus Christ in our lives, are we not told that we lack nothing?

When I came across a challenge written by traveling evangelist Tom Short addressing the topic of grumbling versus praise, I wanted to share it here so that maybe it would be a challenge and encouragement to you too. And I think that if we all take this challenge presented below, we can all become better witnesses for our Lord. We can become people who praise Him through all circumstances.

{Jason and I have actually both witnessed Tom Short's campus evangelism in person at Iowa State and can tell you that he is a bold witness of God who utilizes solid biblical principles to challenge world views that run ramped on our college campuses. If you'd like to visit his site, click here.}

Tom Short writes...

Most of us are grumblers by nature.
We find it easy to complain and criticize.
This is especially true for those of us who live in a consumer culture where we expect things to be done quickly and with excellence.
Often, without even realizing it, our grumbling becomes a complaint against God -- and this is not good.

Grumbling almost always springs from a heart of pride (demanding my way) and unbelief (this bad circumstance is bigger than God). The devil loves it when we grumble against the Lord. Our grumbling empowers Satan to fulfill his desires in us. Grumbling can snowball and lead to more complaining, more pride, more unbelief until it becomes a dominate sin in our life.

How do we overcome grumbling? By becoming a person of PRAISE!

David said, "I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth." (Psalm 34:1)
Can this be said of you? Would you like this to be true of you?

Here's how you can start. Make a list of ten things you can praise the Lord for. Begin each day praising God for those things. Over time, let your list grow as you find more things to praise God for. Throughout the day, as you catch yourself slipping into a complaining attitude, pull out your list and praise God. It's OK to praise God any time of the day! "I will bless the Lord at ALL times."

Try to become a person of praise this week. See what a difference it will make. Your attitude will be lifted up. Your faith will increase. You will be filled with joy. Satan will flee from you, for one thing he cannot stand is to hear the name of Jesus being praised.

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! He looks like a really great speaker. I try to praise God but at times find myself "grumbling" too :) Thanks for posting this.
