Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Train Quilts

Our kids are blessed with so many great family members who adore them {and spoil them.}
This includes an abundance of grandparents. They have my parents, who they refer to as choo choo ma & pa because they live by the train tracks. They have Jason's parents, a.k.a. farm grandpa & grandma because, of course, they live on a farm.
Then they have their Bob & Rita, who aren't really grandparents, but they might as well be.
Bob & Rita took care of Jason a lot when he was younger and his mom was very sick with lupus. They were like grandparents to him, and now, they're like grandparents to our kids. And yes, lots of times our kids do call them grandma & grandpa.
Besides being a wonderful grandma, Rita is an excellent seamstress. I really admire this quality, because I can't sew for the life of me, and believe me, I've tried.
I have to take the opportunity to share a quick time Rita was watching Chloe at her house and Chloe's outfit became dirty. I can't recall if she had a diaper accident, or it was just a casualty of messy eating, but regardless Chloe needed a change of clothes. I usually send along an extra outfit, but I didn't on this particular day. So what else was Rita to do but sew Chloe a new one. Seriously, I go to pick Chloe up from Rita's and she is wearing a Rita original. It was awesome, but who does that? Not many people can whip up an outfit in a matter of minutes. Certainly not this sewing train wreck!
And speaking of trains...
For Christmas Rita used her talents to make Gabe and Cooper these wonderful train-themed quilts for their bunk beds.
And the boys truly adore them.
Gabe even drew a picture of Rita sewing his train quilt and gave it to her last Sunday at church {too cute!}
I've neglected to post photos of their wonderful quilts, and am going to do so now.

{Gabe was at school when we had our quilt photo shoot, so I'll have to get photos of him with his quilt posted soon!}

Here is Gabe's quilt...

And Cooper's quilt, complete with Cooper peeking over his headboard...

It didn't take long for Cooper to want his photo taken with his quilt...

Each quilt came complete with the boys' names sewn on the top...

And a photo of them as the train conductors of their quilts...

The details are amazing. But I wouldn't expect anything less from Grandma Rita. What a special gift.


  1. I am sooooo jealous of people that can sew! Insanely jealous. My mom bought me a sewing machine for Christmas. I managed to sew the bottom of the curtains for under the loft bed. And even that took me three times before I figured it out.
    I can't imagine making a quilt like that!! Those are sooooo cute. LOVE the pictures of the boys as conductors. She is sooo good!

  2. Shawna...I know, I wish I could sew too! But you're already better than me sewing those curtains for Kinzley's bed. I would have had Rita do it for me, lol.

  3. Love the quilts! Rita is sooo good! Them as conductors was such a great touch! :-)

  4. AMAZING! So awesome! I wish I had 1/100th of that talent for sewing! I sew our curtains, and really struggle. Finally, my mother-in-law said, "Why don't you just pin it and drop it off with me to so?" Yeah. For curtains! These quilts are really beautiful.

  5. Do you happen to know the name of the pattern used to make the train quilt? thank you
