Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Favorite Childhood Photos

My friend has been participating in these McLinky Blog Hop posts every Tuesday. I've never participated myself...a little too unorganized to find the time. But today it's all about childhood photos, of which I have many of my children. Plus, my friend really sweetened the deal by providing a chance to win a free custom necklace...she makes the best necklaces! Visit her blog here to check out her custom photo jewelry. You won't be sorry you did!

Now, on to the Blog Hop post...

I got my first digital Nikon camera when my oldest son was one, and have been upgrading my camera equipment ever since. I've learned so much over the years about photography, from being an apprentice under a former Sports Illustrated photographer at a newspaper, to just practicing my skills on my own kids practically every day. The result...thousands and thousands of photos of my kids!

Being the youngest of four children, my parents seemed to forget how to take photos by the time I came around, so I definitely lack photos from my childhood. {Don't worry, I'm not bitter or anything. I've forgiven them *tear, tear*} I didn't want the same to be true for my kids, so I have literally landed at the polar opposite of the spectrum and taken way too many photos! But what better subjects than your own children, right?!?

I have three children {and another one due any day} so I have many favorites. I thought it would be fun to post photos from one year ago, and photos from the present day to see how much they've changed in a year. So hard to choose, but here's just a few...Enjoy!

All three kids a year ago...

And all three kids today...

Chloe one year ago...

And Chloe today...

Gabe one year ago {pretending to be Spiderman while jumping on the trampoline...}

Cooper one year ago {one of the few photos I have of him where he's not smiling...}

And the boys today...

Boy, how time flies when you're having fun!

MckLinky Blog Hop


  1. Thanks for hopping on my way! Your kids are beautiful as well and I love the pics you chose!

  2. Beautiful pictures! THanks for stopping by. Love Gabe's name (we have a Gabe, too).

  3. Love the pictures.....what do you use to edit?

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. Kim ~ I use Photoshop CS2. It's the best...I use it for all my graphic design and photography. Thanks for the comment!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    I have to tell you your children are just gorgeous-Your daughter's eyes just took my breath away! Seriously, they are so blue!!

    Happy Hopping :D

  6. GREAT pictures....love your blog..Enjoying the blog hop. I love looking at pictures.

    Have a Happy Day!

  7. Those are great pictures. You have a gift. You must be getting so ready to have that baby! I will be praying for you and stopping back by to check on everything!


  8. You have a beautiful family. Thank you so much for dropping by my blog. I love meeting new blogging friends. I have said a prayer for you and your upcoming arrival. Blessings to you and your family,

  9. I knew it was just a matter of time until I sucked you into the Blog Hop ;)
    Seriously I know what you mean about being un-organized. I never remember until the night before.

    You know how cute I think your kiddos are. Cooper was shying grinning at Tim tonight at T-ball.

    Thanks for the shout out about my jewelry!

  10. Thanks for stopping by. You have such beautiful pictures! Congrats on the new baby on the way!

  11. Your kids are so adorable,nice pictures =)

  12. Your children are too cute! You take awesome pictures!!
    Where did your husband play college ball? Mine did for Austin College, it is a small D3 school in Sherman TX.

  13. Here from the MckLinky Hop...please come over and visit me, too!

    at browncouchevents.blogspto.com

    and comfortjoydesigns.blogspot.com


    Be sure to mark your calendar for The Back To School Thingy August 15 - September 27...many prizes to be won!
