Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Baby's Birthday is Set!

Today Jason and I learned that sometimes being laid back isn't such a wonderful quality. That is, for a doctor anyway.

I had my weekly scheduled appointment, during which if I hadn't gone into labor on my own, I was suppose to be induced.

Well, my doctor failed to make the official induction appointment for today, so we were told the birth care center was just too busy with deliveries today for another induction. If I go into labor on my own, that's another story. But it just doesn't look like that's happening.

So, we were again sent home, but now have an official induction appointment with the birth care center this Friday at 7 a.m.
Needless to say, this has been a very long ordeal, but is just about over so I'm very thankful for that!

In my doctor's defense, he is keeping his word. He said he would not let me go past July, and although he's cutting it close with a July 31st birthday, our baby boy will be a July baby.

In addition to the letdown of not getting to meet our baby, it's really not fun to get things ready and planned out for our three kids to be taken care of while we're suppose to be staying in the hospital, something we've gone through twice now. We're thankful that the grandparents have been extremely good sports about it, and are hanging in there with us!

But I know the kids are getting quite frustrated, especially Gabe who looks at this whole baby ordeal as a vacation for him. He gets to stay at grandpa & grandma's house, sleep in a tent, and do all the fun things you do while with grandparents. No wonder he gets annoyed every time I come home with no baby! I'm doing my best to remember this and not take it personal :)

We continue to be so excited for this boy's arrival, and continue to pray for a quick labor that yields a healthy, and not too big, baby boy. And although it's a letdown to our anxious minds to have the birth postponed yet again, we are also very aware that this will all happen in God's timing and I will certainly not be pregnant forever!

Thanks for all of your continued thoughts and prayers. We'll have this baby soon, I promise!


  1. Hey Ang,
    So sorry to read about your ordeal!
    Just remember though, the best things are worth waiting for!

  2. Hey! You are in my thoughts and prayers! Keep hanging in there, you'll get to see his cute face soon! :-)

  3. Good luck! I can't wait to hear the news and see pictures. Do you blog from the hospital bed?

  4. It has to be hard waiting for him to get here. Hang in there! He's going to be a cutie for sure :]

  5. You're not really pregnant are you??!! ;-)

    heh heh

    We think of you guys so often throughout the day wondering if you're a family of 6 yet!

    Hang tough. What a story this little guy will have for u to tell him!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog on the blog hop from Tuesday. I enjoyed reading your blog post! We are scheduled to have our baby Aug 10. I will be glad to wait until then as I arranged child care and post op care as well. I'll be back to see pictures of your new babe!

  7. Thanks everyone! So nice to know we are covered in prayers for tomorrow!

    Oh, and MamaPJ's...I actually do blog from the hospital bed, assuming that there's a wireless connection available. He He. I have the laptop all ready to go! :)
