Monday, August 3, 2009

Big Brother Cooper

Cooper has really taken well to being a big brother again. He loves babies, always has. So the fact that he wants to hold Gavin all the time really isn't a surprise.

But seeing him sit there, holding his baby brother, there's really nothing else like it.

Don't get me wrong, Gabe is a wonderful big brother too and loves to hold Gavin as well.
But Cooper is just fascinated by the little things. The amazement that's present on Cooper's face as he holds his brother is something that is so heartwarming to see. I think Coop could sit holding Gavin for hours, just watching him. He loves to look at his little hands and fingers, his little feet and toes. He has noticed that babies make funny faces while they sleep and he'll sit holding Gavin and just watch his face.

And Cooper says the sweetest things. Like last night as he held Gavin, he looks at me with a big smile on his face and says, "Mom, I really think he really likes me. And he knows I'm his big brother!" I know it sounds simple, but it only takes a few simple words to melt a mother's heart.

It's really special to see such a bond between Cooper and his new little brother.
{And the fact that there's a strong resemblance between these two guys makes it all the more special.}

Here's some photos I took of their time together last night, our first night home as a family.
'Special' just doesn't even describe it!


  1. How cute is that! What a wonderful memory and an already great bond between the two of them!

  2. Congrats to all of you! Gavin is SO adorable and I can't wait to meet him. I had a great time with the boys at the pool on Saturday (hope they did too). Enjoy your week with the new babe!

  3. Your pictures are adorable!
    Next week should be our turn to bring home the bundle of joy. I think our Henry will be like your Cooper.
    Looking forward to seeing more pictures.
    I love the yawn picture the best!

  4. Congratulations! I just logged on to find out the name etc. as soon as we returned from MN (Jeff had gotten the email about his arrival but did not have the details ... sigh) Anyway, he is ADORABLE! and I totally see the resemblence to Cooper right away! So sweet that they are bonding so soon. Funny how that happens. Can't wait to meet him in person. You look FABULOUS in the photos by the way ... I'm still not sure if you were actually pregnant :-) haha--okay, the baby looks like you so I guess you were, but wow, this motherhood thing agrees with you :-)
    Congrats again!
