Saturday, August 1, 2009

Gavin Jace Sanders

Introducing Gavin Jace Sanders!

Gavin Jace Sanders was born Friday, July 31, 2009, at 3:27 p.m., weighing 7 pounds, 6.6 ounces and measuring 19 inches long.

We're so happy to finally have him here and be able to hold and love on our littlest little boy!

More from the birth story to come, and of course more photos, but for now I'll share just a few photos from the hospital. We have one more night here and get to go home tomorrow, where I'll find more time to go in depth about our new bundle of joy!

Mom & Gavin...

Jason & Gavin...

Our first family photo. We're a family of 6 now!

The boys love their little brother, and literally can't keep their hands off him...


  1. What a cutie! Love all the pictures! You look amazing!!!!!!! I right now look half as put together as you and I didn't just have a baby. :-) Can't wait to meet cute little Gavin! How are you feeling? Everything went well? when do you go home?

  2. Julie,
    I'll try to remember and give you a call tomorrow sometime. We go home tomorrow after lunch, and are anxious to get there :) I'm feeling great, much better now that I'm not pregnant anymore and I get to hold my little guy rather than have him kick me. I'll give you the rest of the details when we talk! Miss ya!

  3. Congratulations! I've been checking, like, every hour for details. Can't wait to hear more. He's beautiful!

  4. He really is beautiful Angie! I'm so glad we got to meet him today.

    Can I even tell you how much I LOVE that you are blogging from the hospital? :)

  5. Great pictures! You look so so good! WOW!

    Your baby is adorable!

    Love the name. We really liked Gavin as well and I went to school with a Jace....I've always loved that name! Great choices!

    Hope you will be able to get some sleep!

  6. congrats on your beautiful new son,, he is adorable,, cant wait to see him in person,,

  7. How cute!!!! Congratulations!!!!

    And thank you so much for your sweet comment on the last blog hop post!!!

  8. Thanks everyone for all the congrats. We're doing great in our first days at home together, and really appreciate all your thoughts and prayers!

  9. I just read the post from July 31, 2010 and clicked on your link to go back a year...amazing how time flies; you are lovely and beautiful!
