Monday, September 28, 2009

8 Weeks

Gavin is now 8 weeks old! Can you believe it's been 8 weeks!

My little guy is getting so alert and observant. His big eyes seem wise beyond their years, or shall I say weeks.

Gavin seems to love music and is instantly calmed by Chloe's favorite Barney songs or by worship in church. I prefer the latter.

He's still not sleeping through the night, but is improving, sleeping 5 hours at a time.

And he's still a little guy, not yet breaking 10 pounds and measuring in the 20th percentile for weight and 30th for height.

Gavin spits up all the time, and I mean all the time.

He's learned some new tricks, like rolling from his stomach to his back and smiling.

He loves to be held and cuddled, which works out quite nicely since I love to hold and cuddle him.

And he still looks like his brother Cooper.

Most importantly, Gavin's ears are better, and seems so much happier and content.

I'd say 8 weeks looks pretty good on him...


  1. He is absolutely DARLING! I love his sweet little face!! :) And SO glad that God has healed his ears...PTL!! <><

  2. Such a darling! You've definitely got a house full of cuties!!! :)

  3. he is just a doll. I love the pictures!

  4. What a sweetie!
    Sorry he's so spitty. That is NO fun (from experience.)
    Good thing he's so cute ;-)

  5. Love the pics! Can't wait to meet him, hopefully in just a little over a month. :-)

  6. Oh jeez. I told you I was done having kids and if you are going to keep posting pictures of him, I may have to stop reading your blog. Good thing you posted he still isn't sleeping through the night. :)

  7. so glad to hear little Gavin is sleeping well. My Daisy (13mos) just started to sleep a little better at night! Instead of waking up two or three times, she is only waking up once! Yay!!

  8. Gavin is just so cute! As all all your kiddos!

    I love YOUR header picture! We need to all be dressed at the same time! I've missed getting one before or after church..

  9. Your blog is great! Your kids are simply adorable and you take amazing picture! What editing software do you use?
    I plan on stopping back to read more soon!
