Friday, September 25, 2009

A Friend's Family Photos

I haven't had much of a chance to take any photos of my own family lately. Shocking, I know! But I have taken a lot of photos of others in the recent weeks.

I had the privilege of taking photos of a friend and her beautiful family. It was such a special privilege because these are their very first family photos since adding two kiddos to their family.

I am overjoyed whenever I see children who need a home finally get a home. But even more joyous is knowing that these two cuties are now part of a loving, God-fearing family that will raise them in His ways. Now that is a praise!

Please join me in prayer for Sarah, Jay, Max, and especially for their two newest additions, Zachary and Makayla, as they transition into a whole new life together.

Let me tell you, this is one photogenic family of five!

Brothers & Sister...

Max...he knew how to pose!

Zach...what a cutie pie.

Makayla...this girl is the sweetest and has the prettiest green eyes.

Mother & daughter...I love the soft focus filter on these next two shots.


  1. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful family! I also LOVE seeing children find godly forever families! Your pictures capture the miracle very well. :)

  2. I had seen some of these on facebook but I hadn't seen that second one before. Just looking at those two standing side by side looking at all three of their children made the tears come {shocking I know!} How awesome is our God?!? He truly has a plan for each and every one of us and knowing this family and their story is such a testament to Him! You did an awesome job on these Ang!!

  3. Very beautiful photos. The soft focus mother/daughter pics are my favorite...they capture such a tender moment!! :)

    Great work, Angie!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. These are beautiful!

    My fav is with the kids in the foreground and the parents in the background. It made my eyes well up!
