Thursday, September 24, 2009

Cooper's Prayer

Cooper has some pretty unusual prayers. I guess that's what four-year-olds are all never know quite what they're going to say. Cooper's prayers are sometimes funny, sometimes random, but always sincere. He is such a sweet little man.

Tonight at supper Cooper had a whopper of a prayer. After he ended with an Amen, Jason and I looked at each other and both said, 'write it down.' We didn't want to forget this one.
So here's Cooper's prayer from tonight. Enjoy!

Dear God,

Thank you for bunnies and kitties. Some people don't have bunnies and kitties. But that's okay, 'cause they can take some money and go to the kitty store and buy some bunnies.



  1. That is absolutely precious! Bless his heart. And I want to say thank you for raising him to love the Lord.

  2. I wanna go to the bunny store right now that is just so cute! Can they just stay four forever? Sweetness! I'm so glad you wrote that down ... it's a keeper! I'll never look at a bunny or kitty the same way again!

  3. Awh. I rescued three bunnies from the flea market and they were super sick. We used experimental drugs, and sadly, they didn't work. At least their last two weeks were in a happy house with lots of love. I came home, and got a kitten :]
