Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Black & White Wednesday - Chloe

I love black and white photographs. There's something so very timeless and classy about them. So when I ran across Lisa's Black & White Wednesdays on her blog, The Long Road to China, I just had to join in!

By the way, if this is your first visit to my blog, welcome! My name is Angie. I'm a stay at home mom of four young kiddos...Gabe, 6; Cooper, 4; Chloe 2 and Gavin, 5 months. I also do freelance graphic design and recently added portrait photography to my business. Busy, yes. Blessed, definitely! My husband, Jason, is a youth pastor and county supervisor. We are high school sweethearts that will have been married ten years this summer! Hooray! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'd love to 'meet' you, so please feel free to leave a comment!

Here's my photo for this very first Black & White Wednesday. It's a photo I took about two months ago of my daughter, Chloe.

And here it is in color, so that you can see the difference...

I do love it in color too, but like the way the black and white shows the catch lights in her eyes. They just sparkle.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hmmm...I honestly don't know which one I like better. They are both great!

  2. I wish I had your skills as a photographer! Every picture you takde is wonderful!!! And the subject matter in this one is pretty cute, too! :)

  3. These are gorgeous photos. She is also gorgeous.

  4. Thank you for leaving such a nice comment on my blog!

    Your photos are beautiful. I'm not quite sure which I prefer. Lovely!

  5. shes beautiful . both color and b&w look great. i love this photo.
    i found your blog through b&w wed
    feel free to check out mine to.

  6. You have an amazing family and incredible talent. Chloe is gorgeous. I'm not sure which I like better. You can't see her lovely baby blues in the B&W but still can tell she's a doll.


  7. Hi Angie!

    So nice to "meet" you....and thank you for playing along:)

    You have a beautiful family and have an incredible eye for photography.....what a gorgeous picture of Chloe!! I also adore the family photo in your header!!

    I hope you will play along again soon..... I will definitely be stopping back here to visit!!

  8. Love how her eyes pop in the B&W. Beautiful!

  9. Hi there Angie,

    So nice to meet you and thank you for the comment you left about my shell picture.

    You have a lovely family. The 2 images are stunning, love how her eyes pop in the b & w!

    :) Gail

  10. Gorgeous picture of your daughter. Her eyes are mesmerizing.

    (Love all your photographs on your sidebar as well as your header.)

  11. I love your b&w photo. My dream is to be wonderful phtographer as I can see your are!

  12. She is a beauty for sure. This is my first time visiting. What a lovely little intro you gave. Your family is very beautiful!

  13. She is a little cutie ... I'm a fan of color picture or at least that is what I'm most comfortable processing. That is why I love this challenge because looking at everyones post has given me such great ideas!

    Great job!

  14. Oh, she is absolutely adorable. I love both images. Your photography is beautiful!

  15. Hi Angie! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.

    Your children are just gorgeous!

    Love that black and white too...the highlight in the eyes is the first thing I noticed.

  16. Thanks for stopping by today. It is so nice to meet you!

    Your kids are adorable. I love the black and white picture, but I especially love the picture in your header! That wagon is sooo cute!

    P.S. Is Chloe's dress Matilda Jane? It looks familiar!

  17. Hi Angie,
    I'm glad you stopped by my blog, and thank you for the compliment too.
    What a sweet photo of your daughter. There's some serious cuteness going on there. :)

  18. Thank you all for all the feedback and complements! Nice to 'meet' you all :)

    Jodee...Chloe's dress is actually made by Kait Emerson. She has a similar style to Matilda Jane clothing, which I love! You can find her at I have bought a lot of items from her for Chloe, and have been extremely impressed with the quality and look of the clothes!

  19. Oh my! She has the most beautiful eyes ever!

  20. She has the most amazing eyes! Beautiful!!

  21. Hello there -- oh my your daughter is so beautiful! Love that photo in color and black and white! Thanks for visiting my blog!


  22. Oh my goodness but she is incredibly precious! (I found your blog from "The Long Road to China") (my youngest are the same age as your Cooper and Chloe :) )

    And the rest of your family (including YOU)? Stunning!

  23. They are both stunning & uniquely my favorite in their own ways! See, I can't possibly pick!

    :) It's so nice to "meet" you and thank you for sharing a slice of yourself with us.

    This is my first week to participate and its been such fun peeking in on everyone and sharing in their joys through B & W!

    Thank you,


  24. she is a beautiful little girl. thanks for sharing those precious photos

  25. Well I believe that you probably never get a bad picture of this cutie...just beautiful! Nice to "meet" you!

  26. I just love the shot, her eyes just pop in the B&W!!
    Such a beautiful girl!!
    BTW, your header is awesome, what an incredible shot!!
