Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We Made It

We're home! Hip hip hooray!

Our flight home from Florida, after being rescheduled three times, arrived safely back at our local airport this morning. What a relief to be home safe. With our unpredictable Midwest weather, who knows when we would have made it back if we hadn't made it back today. Freezing rain and snow is in the forecast for the rest of the week, so thankfully God parted the fog just in time for our plane to land!

Now we are all looking forward to sleeping in our own beds tonight, after sleeping in various hotel beds the last week. Well, most of us slept in beds. One of us slept in drawers...

Yes, that's right. We put our baby in a drawer to sleep. After we checked out of our comfortable condo right next to Disney World in our first attempt to fly home on Sunday night, we've been sleeping in one-room hotels ever since. Not the most comfortable, or spacious, sleeping arrangements for a family of six, but we made it work.

And on second thought, I don't think Gavin minded it too much...

Many, many more photos from our long, long Florida vacation to come, after I get a chance to sit down and edit the thousands of photos. And no, I'm not exaggerating about the number of photos ;-)

Stay tuned!


  1. So glad you made it home safely! It looks like the kids were troopers through the whole ordeal! :)

  2. I am so glad you guys finally made it home and I know you are. Drawers work good as long as they fit and don't move around too much lol. That didn't sound nice did it. Anyway, can't wait to see more pics!

  3. When Jeff was a baby (we're talking newborn, like a few weeks old I fear) his family took him to the rustic family cabin to stay. (It was newer back then luckily.) His bed was the drawer in the dresser too! Future looks bright for lil' Gavin :-)

    He's adorable by the way! Glad you made it back. I guess when I waved at you today you were just pulling back into town. Welcome home!

  4. Glad to hear that you made it home safely. Yep, the weather up here is always so unpredictable. My hubby is traveling for work right now and we are praying he makes it safely home as scheduled on Fri morning!

    And oh my goodness ~ those photos of Gavin in the drawers were too funny...and too cute! That little guy is such a DOLL-baby! Those big eyes just melt right through ya...especially when coupled with his ADORABLE smile! :)


  5. Oh my goodness! How innovative are you? What a great idea for a bed! Glad you are back safe! I would LOVE to see your Disney pictures!
