Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Day {or Hour} at the Beach

Remember a few weeks ago when The Sanders Family was stuck in Florida? If not, click {here} to get caught up. But if you recall, we took advantage of our flight home getting canceled and went to the beach. We didn't have much time, but it only takes a moment to make lasting memories.

Here are a few of those memories from our day {actually, hour} at the beach...

Gabe loved the waves...

While Chloe wasn't so sure...

So she sought refuge by holding daddy's hand...

There was a pier close by...

And just as I was taking photos of it, the birds flew into view...

The birds then landed on the sand, and caught Cooper's attention. Look at his face {click on the photo to see it larger}...

I knew what was on his mind. Sure enough, Cooper {much like a dog} loved chasing after those birds...

There was some hunting for sea shells...

Chloe excitedly brought me shell, after shell, after shell...

Cooper, like all the kids, loved the beach and could be seen with a constant smile on his face...

Gavin enjoyed the beach too, taking part in a refreshment while lounging in the sand...

Gabe left his mark...

And we said one last goodbye to the ocean, until next time...

Believe me, with our current chilly Midwest temperatures, I wish I could go back there.

But for now, I'll just dream.


  1. your photography is amazing!! I love the colors that you vintage!!! Thank you for commenting on my B&W Wednesday picture. : )

  2. Such a breath of fresh warm air to see those photos on a cold Midwest evening! BeautifuL!


  3. Love love love everything about this post! Love how 'stormy' the waves look, love the birds that flew in, love the name in the sand.,,, everything!

  4. the cold is headed our way, but this is making me want to go to FL right now.

    great photos!

  5. OH WOW.....these beach pictures are BEAUTIFUL!! I would do anything for a day at the beach right now...... I am ready for the winter to be over!


  6. Adorable pictures! Your kiddos are sooo cute!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  7. Gorgeous! Loved the expression on Cooper's face, pure joy.

  8. What beautiful pictures of the beach! I guess I take it for granted since I live so close and the weather is quite nice this time of year. Hope the warm air finds its way up to you soon.

  9. What a great way to spend the day {a cancelled flight)! Loving all the photos and it looks like you all had a wonderful time!

    Hoping you are having a great weekend!!!
