Monday, February 1, 2010

Gavin - 6 Months Old

Gavin Jace - 6 months old

Has it really been six months? Hard to believe. Our lives are so busy around here, it has just flown by.

I'm praying that I savor every moment, as it all goes by so fast. I find myself longing for my baby to stay just that, a baby. I'm not at all wishing away the milestones as I did with the first...longing for my baby to crawl, and then to walk, and then to run. No, by the fourth child, I find myself wanting to just live in the moment, enjoying today and knowing tomorrow will come soon enough.

Gavin is now learning to sit up by himself. He rolls wherever he needs to go, but he's content just laying around and watching the action too {and there's plenty of that around our house.}

Gavin just started solid foods and likes everything so far.

He continues to be a terrific sleeper.

In his first six months, Gavin is already a seasoned traveler, having flown in an airplane AND rode a train.

Gavin loves attention and 'talks' to anyone who will talk to him.

He's usually smiling, rarely fussy or crying.

What a happy baby...Love him!


  1. Wow!!! I think Gavin was only about a month old when I started following your blog! My how the time flies!!! And I just have to say...I think Gavin (and all your kids) get cuter every day! :)

  2. Happy 6 months Gavin!!

    He is so precious..... enjoy every moment with you know, they grow way too fast!



  3. Adorable picture of your little man! Where does the time go?!

  4. Happy 6 months Gavin! He is just too A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!!!

  5. He's stunning! Happy half a year Gavin!

  6. So excited about stumbling onto your beautiful blog. Look forward to following along!
    Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,

  7. Happy 6mo b-day Gavin!!

    Wow, I remember when you were still pregnant with him...where did the last six mos go so fast!? I'm with you...soak in every moment and don't wish any milestones to come too fast...they'll get here soon enough! I've already missed so many of Khloe's milestones in person, so I'll be soaking in every moment I have with her from day one!

    Gavin is SO adorable! Wishing you many wonderful memories in the next 6 mos!!


  8. Simply adorable! What a little cutie!


  9. What a cutie!
    God's blessings,
    Sarah :D

  10. This is exactly how I felt when L came along. Didn't want to rush a single moment. Didn't have any urge to compare her to other children her age or read about what she should be doing. She was perfect and I wanted to savor it as long as possible.
