Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Black & White Wednesday - Gabe

Once again it's Black & White Wednesday over at The Long Road to China. Join in and not only showcase your own favorite black and whites, but get a chance to check out so many other amazing photos!

Since I have already shared photos of three of my four children in previous Black & White Wednesday posts, it's now Gabe's turn.

Gabe is my oldest child. He is six, but is quick to point out that he is almost seven {his birthday is next month!} Gabe is growing leaps and bounds, something that this photo reminded me of. Gone from Gabe is every trace of my baby and toddler. He's a young man now. Almost seven as you recall ;-)

But it is not gone from this mom's memory. I remember holding my first born in my arms like it was yesterday. And as I shared these memories with Gabe yesterday, I got a big, "Oh, mom!" Gabe gets a kick of 'making fun' of my sensitivity, laughing at me when I cry during movies, or tear up while reminiscing over my baby growing up.

But Gabe doesn't fool me...his big heart is evident every time he prays for kids who don't have families, and tears fill his eyes just thinking about being in their shoes. His big heart cries out every time he talks about longing for all of his friends to know and love Jesus the way he does. His big heart is there. You just have to look a little harder, past the boy trying to grow up so fast, and into the little boy who still asks to cuddle with mom.

Cherish every day, because before you know it, they are turning seven in a month and won't let you forget it...
{as always, click on the photo to view it larger}

And just when I'm relishing in Gabe's sweet & tender side, he reminds me that he's at the same time, very silly too...


  1. Your Gabe is so cute. What a sweetheart! Don't I know about the growing up! It just happens so fast. You turn around one day and they are so big and SO independent! And you think, I don't want it to happen yet. Thank goodness you have some more children at home. I am just about going crazy now that my one and only is TEN! It is so hard to let them go!

    Your pictures are wonderful of your very special boy!

  2. What a sweet young boy of almost seven!! He is a doll.

  3. I love how you described your son and he is such a cutie..are you allowed to say that about an almost 7 year old? :)

  4. That's so cute, Caitlin does the exact same thing and she'll be seven in April. She points it out to everyone too! Why is it that we're in such a hurry to grow up when it's so much fun being a kid? We just don't get it when we're a kid!

  5. That first hot is stunning in how Gabe's eyes just grab you.
    The second one made me laugh... Love the angle. It just screams BOY!!!

  6. Your son is so cute! I too have a just turned 7 yr old. How true... they grow up so quickly. I can still remember hold my daughter for the first time. How can it be that 7 yrs have passed?

  7. He's a doll and I love his "silly side" picture.

  8. Gabe is such a handsome boy!!! I love that you chose a picture that was more serious and a picture that seems to totally capture his personality!! Beautiful photos!

    He seems like such a wonderful boy.....cherish every moment, you are right, they grow up in the blink of an eye. Can't believe mine is 12??? The time just flies!



  9. Gosh - he is so handsome! I like what you said about cherishing each day cause before you know it - they are 7. How true that is. My girl is almost 13 months and it hardly seems possible. I really love your captures today!

  10. LOVE the B&Ws! Especially the 2nd one - he looks like he is having just way too much fun!

    Hope you are having a great week :)

  11. How do these kids grow up so fast?!?! My oldest is "almost seven" as well, and already taking about the second grade! I'm so thankful we can capture these priceless moments with them on film...and look back on the "baby days" as they grow up!

  12. What a sweet young gentleman you have there! I'm sure you know that though ; )

  13. I, too, have an "almost 7 year old" boy and you are so right about all the traces of babyhood being gone from them completely.

    This is a beautiful picture of your son. There is just something about his eyes...

  14. Your son is not only handsome on the outside but has a sweet spirit too. Lovely.

    I too have my oldest turning 7 next month. Oh the drama........

  15. The pictures are precious. It sounds like you have a wonderful young man.

  16. They do grow up way too fast!!! Before you know it they are graduating from high school and entering college...it goes by really fast!!!
    Gabe is a handsome guy!!! : ) looks like the camera really loves him.

  17. What a touching post about your young man. Gabe is gorgeous inside and out.

    Great post!


  18. Stunning. Beautiful little boy! I really love your black and white conversion. Happy Wednesday to you!

  19. What a sweet young man your Gabe is...and so handsome. Seven is one of my very favorite ages. Love the silly one of him! These are beautiful black and whites.

    Have a great Wednesday. :)

  20. Oh stop it! Just because you cry thinking of Gabe growing does not mean we all should too :) Yet the paragraph "Gabe doesn't fool me" just did me in!

    I think these are some of my very favorite ever Gabe pictures!

  21. What a handsome and sensitive boy. It is wonderful to hear when little ones want others to know Jesus and to listen to their sweet prayers.

  22. Wonderful photos of your sweet handsome guy!!!!

  23. He sounds like such a sweetheart (a silly one maybe, but a sweetheart none-the-less!) I love how his eyes just POP in that first photo!

  24. What a big boy! Love both pics!

    OH, by the way, I didn't crop the one of my baby boy (eyes photo.) I just got close enough to focus on his eyes and used a 50mm lens. Thanks for stopping by! Aren't these Black and White Wednesdays the best!

  25. What a sweet boy ~ his photos are beautiful! Enjoy every minute, they grow up oh so fast!


  26. Gabe is a handsome litle man, they do grow up so fast!!

  27. I know the feeling!! My son turned 10 this year and I have NO idea where time went...

    You have such an amazing blog. Your family is beautiful and I LOVE your header. Stunning.

    Thanks for visiting my blog!! I look forward to reading more!

  28. I love the second one! So silly and fun. It makes me smile to think of those kids who are trying so hard to be "grown-up" and don't even realize how they already are.

  29. What a handsome little guy. Love the first picture with such a serious face ... the light reflecting on him is beautiful.

  30. Your children have the most beautiful eyes, I dont know if I said that before?? But they do!! Love the silly pic.

    And thanks for stopping by! My hubby is a great photographer and I keep telling him he should go in the business!!

  31. i can't say enough about these eyes.

    i also can't say enough about how much i love your header photo. it is absolutely brilliant.

  32. wow... those eyes in the first one... amazing!!!! what a cutie!

  33. What a sweet post for your first born. My son, Mason is also 7 so I can relate ;). I love the sparkle in Gabe's eyes.

    I also had to check out your posts below, what a sweet baby who does look quite similar to the Gerber Baby, wow! Your daughter is a very pretty princess. All your kids have such beautiful blue eyes!

  34. Beautiful, Beautiful shots. Your boy is adorable and growing up too quickly, I'm sure.

  35. I never get tired of seeing your photos!

    I remember that transition and it was hard for me, harder than them becoming teens even. I'm not looking forward to it with my last two and I *know* that it'll be worse with Connor because he's my very last baby and I want him to stay that way forever!
