Thursday, February 11, 2010

First Tooth

I've had my suspicions, with all the drooling that's been going on...

And then as I watched Gavin lay on the carpet today, I caught a glimpse of something white...

With a little investigating, I discovered...

His first tooth!

Say it isn't so! My baby has his first tooth!

I know it's bound to happen. All the firsts are, after all, inevitable.

But as I've shared before, I am in no hurry for these milestones first-time mothers get so excited about. By your fourth {and last} baby, you kind of dread the 'firsts,' because they are at the same time, 'lasts.' This is the last first tooth a baby of mine will ever have!

So, I'm embracing my optimistic nature, making the best of it and looking on the bright side.
Because yes, Gavin is growing up and won't be a baby forever. But at least he's doing so with a big smile...


  1. Your oldest is losing teeth and your youngest is getting his :)

    Love the picture of you moving his lips apart. Talent I tell ya ;)

  2. It's so hard hitting all those "first" milestones with your "last" baby! It wasn't nearly as much fun for me with Eva as it was for Eli...I could hear the clock ticking in the background. :( But, soon little Gavin will be smiling so big with all his siblings in the pictures, and that will be great too. *Sigh*

  3. Awww.... look at his first little tooth:) He is so sweet!! Such precious pics:)


  4. He's SO sweet! Seriously, you should think about entering him for some 'Gerber Baby' contest or something... those EYES get me EVERYtime!!! :) toofer and all!! ;)

  5. Oh I love the pics. I hope we have another one someday to see another first tooth.

  6. very cute boy... hope he will have whatever he want in the future... take him to bali :)

  7. OH, how I think the same thing every single day my baby (who isn't a baby anymore) wakes up to start her day...but I do it with my nearly 11 year old too!

    That's what mother's are supposed to do.

    Your children are just stunning...every one of them!

  8. So sweet!! We just sold our crib today and it was HARD. Even though Em was in it about two years too many... It's always hard to say goodbye to this chapter.

    He is such a sweetie!!

  9. So sweet! I know all about the last firsts, it;s so hard to accept!

  10. That's the hardest thing, when you know it's the last baby :( My last baby is going to be 3 in May and I'm trying to memorize every facet of him.

  11. Your oldest is losing teeth and your youngest is getting his
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