Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Black & White Wednesday - Me

It's Black & White Wednesday at Lisa's blog, The Long Road to China...a chance to share your favorite black & white photography. Join in and you'll be glad you did!

When you are the one who is always behind the camera, you end up with lots and lots of photos of everyone in your family...except yourself.

Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. I am much more comfortable behind the camera than I am in front of it. That's just who I am. I prefer to be in the background, out of the spotlight.

So I thought I'd step out of my comfort zone and post a photo of me that I came across while cleaning off the hard drive. The photo is from last year. I was doing a photo shoot of the kids when Jason stole the camera and coaxed me into taking a few of me. I like this photo because it shows a different side of me. One where I'm not smiling. Anyone who knows me, knows I can usually be seen with a big 'ole smile on my face. But I really am a deep thinker, always over analyzing, or to put it more kindly, contemplating something. To me, this photo captures that side of me. And I really prefer it in black and white. The contrast of the brick and the sunlight shining in the window is captured really well in black & white...

Thanks for stopping by. I'm looking forward to seeing what you all have to share this week!


  1. What a beautiful photo! The lighting is amazing. I too have few photos of myself. I've been meaning to use the self timer and try taking some. I definitely like to be the one behind the camera!

  2. Beautiful. I love the bricks all around and the light streaming in on your face. You look truly lovely.

    I know many of us who love to photograph everything often miss photographs of ourselves.

    I recently did a slideshow for my family of a trip all 11 of us (my siblings and their families) too last year. I had 600 pictures of that trip...3 of them included me. They all said that if it hadn't been for those 3 they would have forgotten I was even there!

    I, too, need to get in front of the camera a bit more often so that my kids don't think they were only raised by my husband!

  3. What a beautiful photo of you, I love the light on your face!
    I dont know if I will step out of my comfort zone one of these Wednesday! :-)

    Thanks for your kind words!!

  4. You are beautiful and this is a very pretty shot of you. It'll be a wonderful gift for your children and hubby!

    Step in FRONT of the lens more often. God gave you a face for pictures.


  5. This really is a beautiful capture. It has such a lovely mood to it.

    I'm like you in that I usually have a big smile on my face so I rarely have a more contemplative one.

    Really nice!

  6. I know what you mean about letting someone else play with your camera. I need a pic of Kinz and I for a blog post and I keep forgetting to have Tim take one. ;) Or maybe I just don't trust him with my camera :)

    I have always loved that picture of you. The texture and contrast and lighting is GREAT!

    As is the subject ;)

  7. This picture is beautiful!!!!Really really love it...nice to see the woman behind the camera : )

  8. The lighting in this photo is stunning. You are such a beautiful woman! Great photo!

  9. That is a very nice picture. I love your blog header - the picture and special effects to it are amazing! :)

    I found your blog while hopping from one to another.


  10. you have a beautiful smile but I like this one also you do look very serious! Hubby did a good job.

  11. how beautiful!!
    i love the picture on the top of all your children too...the wagon idea is great!
    God bless~

  12. should be the subject of the photo more often ~ you are lovely!!

  13. Wow -- lovely photo! You are so beautiful!


  14. I love the brick wall ... great texture to the picture. The light was perfect! Great pictures!!

  15. I agree with the others, it is a beautiful photo! I love the brick and the light in the window, you look great.

    I joined a weekly challenge on Thursdays that gets me in at least one picture a week, it is out of my comfort zone but my kids will at least have some pictures with their mom oneday. Otherwise I might not be in any :).

  16. What an amazing photo and I must say...if I looked like you...I would always be in front of the camera...(you're crazy for thinking otherwise...)

    Hope you are having a great week!

  17. I like this photo for all the reasons you do. I think textures like brick really look nice in black and white. And the sharp contrast between light and dark usually 'forgives' us of a few of our wrinkles (not that you have any!)

    I'm glad you dusted this one off and shared it. But were you REALLY cleaning off your hard drive? You mean there's something else in my house that should be cleaned?! ;)

    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  18. Lovely image. This is stunning of you, beautiful light and I love the texture of the brick in the background. You've inspired me to get out from behind the camera. I'm usually so busy trying to get everyone else in pictures.

  19. What a lovely photo of you ~ the background is beautiful!


  20. Beautiful photo!!! I love the shadows and light in the background. Stunning.

  21. Gorgeous!! It is so tough to get on the otherside of that camera, isn't it!!

    This is a really beautiful shot..... I love the mood and the texture....your hubby did a great job!!

  22. Very nice picture - I stopped for a visit today (next on to your photography blog) - I've joined up with a challenge on Thursdays (Shoot Me) --- where you post a picture of yourself to get us in front of the cameras.... you may want to check it out...

  23. Angie - you are beautiful! I have the same thing as you. Loads of captures of everyone else but me. But I am trying to let my hubbie take shots of me these days. For my daughters sake but I swear I am super awkward in front of the camera. Not you though! Love it!

  24. This is a beautiful photo! I love the light coming through the window. Thanks so much for sharing it with us!

    I think those aprons and hats came from Pampered Chef a long time MIL bought them for the boys!

  25. This picture is stunning! The lighting is just perfect!

  26. What a gorgeous and so very natural photograph! Awesome job your husband did! If I looked as good as you, I'd step from behind the camera in a second! lol! I read through some of your previous posts and really enjoyed your photographs and your beautiful children. I really also love your header, so very creative! Great blog!

  27. This picture is absolutely stunning. You are beautiful and the black and white really sets the mood. I love it.

  28. I love your entry!! It makes me wonder what you're looking at!! Your photography and childre are beautiful!! Thanks for the comment on my entry.

  29. What a beautiful family you have. I love your choice for Black and White Wednesday.

    Your blog is just beautiful. Also, a very pretty shot of you!

  30. Beautiful photo - I love the lighting. I don't even like photos of myself. You are so beautiful!

  31. A great reflective photo. Glad your husband snapped it!

  32. WOW!! 10/10 Awesome photo! The light, the angle, you, everything is perfect! Very nice!

  33. I've been meaning to use the self timer and try taking some. I definitely like to be the one behind the camera!
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