Monday, February 22, 2010


So everyone always asks us, "Who do you think Gavin looks like."

It's no secret that all of our kids have similarities in their looks. There's no denying they are siblings. But Gavin is definitely a clone of Cooper as a baby, with a bit larger, rounder eyes.

But lately, we've noticed there's someone else in our family that Gavin resembles.

Our Saint Bernard, Samson...

Not so much because he likes the snow {at least not yet.}, but because Gavin drools, all the time...

It's seriously like the classic movie, Beethoven, where the dog shakes his head and the room and everyone in it is covered with drool.

Well, maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but it's close.

But certainly what he lacks in saliva control, he makes up for in cuteness...


  1. Too funny! Whoever Gavin looks like, there's no doubt he's one good-lookin' kid!!!

  2. I am sticking with the GERBER BABY!!!!!


    Gavin is one thing for sure - DARLING!!!

  3. Oh my goodness! That is the sweetest drool I have ever seen! He is just precious!

  4. Your little one is absolutely adorable! He really does look like the Gerber baby!!

    Beautiful pictures...

  5. OH MY WORD....he is SO ADORABLE:) What a cutie!! And so funny that you have two droolers on your hands!!!

    Have a wonderful week!



  6. That's so funny! Love those baby blues!

  7. Wow we have a lot of bloggy friend in common, Jodee, Lisa, Jen. Its a small world!

    You son is just precious! My son drooled the same way. He was rarely without a bib and we went through several a day.

    Your dog is awesome! I love St. Bernards!

  8. Ok ~ now that is just too funny lol! But I have to say this...that Gavin in one beautiful baby!

    Hope you are having a great week!!!

  9. That is so funny!
    I'm sure he'll outgrow it in time and he is just SO stinkin' cute. He has to have one small thing to make you want him to grow to the next stage, right?
    Baby drool is always okay by mom anyway. :-)

    *Isn't it funny how everyone thinks the new baby has to "look like someone in the family." I can think of kids who look nothing like their parents and yet are biologically linked. Too funny.

  10. I can totally see the resemblance ;)

    Seriously can he be any cuter? Love the drool.

  11. His eyes are killing me!!

    Seriously cute.

    More great photo's!

  12. Your little one is absolutely adorable! He really does look like the Gerber baby!!
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