Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Black & White Wednesday - Perfect Timing

It's Black & White Wednesday again, a chance to showcase your favorite black & white photography. Check out Lisa's blog, The Long Road to China, for all the other great entries!

The past several black & white Wednesdays I have shared black & whites of more of a sentimental nature. This week, I thought I'd change it up a bit and share a photo that my husband took of Gavin, my seven-month-old, and me. Still sentimental, but in a much different way.

The following photo was taken this past Saturday.

It truly does capture a big characteristic of Gavin, one that's been evident since the day he was born.


I call this photo...

'Perfect Timing'

Take a look...

Precious, right?!? Ha ha.

More like yuck or gross, as sister Chloe says.

Or, "Gavin threw up again," as brother Cooper would say.

But any way you put it, it's true...

Gavin spits up all the time. And I mean
all the time.

After he eats, while he eats, before he eats, all the time. Spit-up.

And I love that this photo captured that.

What was meant to be a tender photo between a mother and son, turned into an equally important moment captured.

Because as much as I think I won't forget the vast amount of spit-up Gavin has produced, my memory seems to get worse with every child. And since he's my fourth, the chances are good I could forget such a detail.

But now I won't.

Looking at this picture will bring it all back, and make me laugh.

As Gabe, my six {almost seven} year old said when he saw the picture, "Woah, that's totally wicked!" And then proceeded to laugh hysterically for a good five minutes.

Now that's a photo to remember ;)


  1. That is so funny. I would think like you about it too though. Funny how the moment was caught

  2. Oh, eww... and your expression so happy to be in the photo... LOL. I hope there was a redo for you.

    My son spent his first year throwing up. And crying. Turned out to be acid reflux (thank God for pediatricians).

  3. That one is so funny! You both look so serious until you take a second glance. Love it! ;-)

  4. Oh that is truly perfect timing lol! But in my opinion, still one great photo!

    Loving It!

  5. So cute! That is funny -- love the comment of your older son!

    Have a great WEdnesday!


  6. That one made me chuckle!!! Eli had severe acid reflux as an infant...two types of medication, regular testing, you name it...but I do not have a single picture of him "in action"! LOL! You will appreciate this one (and laugh over it!) for years to come!

  7. LOL! I love this picture! You are beautiful and Gavin is a doll. I agree about the importance of this moment captured! This totally put a smile on my face!

  8. I'm not sure I'd go with precious ;) a perfect timing photo for sure!

    I'm glad you posted it b/c it's even funnier than just hearing abo it!

  9. So perfect...Mommy ready to go and Gavin with other plans.

    A memory forever captured!

    Love it.

  10. Thanks for the laugh (and the gag).
    Despite the eww - he's still a cutie and you, my dear, are so pretty!

    And I love the light in this image. Just beautiful!

  11. haha, i totally laughed out loud when i scrolled down and saw your picture. perfect! my 2.5 year old says "baby Audrey spit up on mommy" haha

  12. precious indeed.

    it put a big smile on my face
    you have to love babies

  13. Oh my.....that is so funny!! Talk about timing:) You were ready......he was not!!

    Have a wonderful week!


  14. Perfect!! What a memory! Both of you are beautiful!

    Alyzabeth's Mommy for 17 Months!

  15. That is just perfect timing! We do tend to forget these things so I guess this is his way of making sure you don't! Happy Wednesday!

  16. That is great! my nephew was the same way and I tollay though of him one when I saw this picture. Jake had HORRIBLE acid reflux (worse than that acid level of an adult) I hope Gavin doesn't have the same issue. I hope you got at great one san the spit up.

  17. LOL! He is so cute - even behind the spit up. :D

  18. Gee that is just too cute!

    You look beautiful! Your son is just adorable...spit up and all:)


  19. That is a *great* shot!!! Oh man.

    It reminds me about how my son only spit up once in his whole life... at the exact moment that his foster mother handed him over to my husband "for good." I guess it's just one more moment we'll always remember!

  20. Oh my gosh....I love it. Captured forever in time. ;)

  21. Too funny ~ one of lifes true moments! :)


  22. This made me say AWWWW! Seriously!!

    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  23. That's hysterical!! And precious. I only have two children and I already forget so many things about my 10 year old that I thought I would never forget... really wish I would have blogged then!! lol.

  24. I promise I didn't even see the puke until you pointed it out because I was staring at how beautiful YOU are. Gorgeous and gross what a fantastic combo and such REAL life!



  25. Perfect timing but also perfect picture!

  26. Perfect picture...spit-up and all! Looks like it came out of a magazine!

  27. Perfect timing! ha A photo to cherish forever even if it is gross!! ha

  28. OH that is PRICELESS!!! And years and years from now, it will be even more priceless.

    My Connor was a spit up king for a while too. Boy was I glad when *that* stopped! (of course I miss baby Connor now LOL)

  29. This made me bust out laughing! :o) And you are gorgeous by the way!!

  30. LOL! That's an absolutely gorgeous picture! Even with the yuck & gross!! :)


  31. Breathtaking photos. What an incredible landscape!

  32. your expression so happy to be in the photo... LOL. I hope there was a redo for you.
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