Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Black & White Wednesday - Brothers

My two oldest sons are two years apart in age. Gabe is 6, Cooper is 4.

Gabe is a go-getter, with lots of confidence and natural leadership qualities. Cooper is a bit more timid, extremely humble and laid back. And although I'm sure a lot of these compatible differences can be explained by examining birth order, I'm also quite certain that it's just one more example of God's perfect orchestration.

I can't imagine two Gabes or two Coopers in one family. And I certainly can't imagine two Gabes or two Coopers 'clicking' like these two brothers do. But you take one Gabe and one Cooper, and what you have is a great friendship, perfectly balanced.

This past Sunday, these two brothers asked to go outside and play while our younger two kids napped. We live on an acreage perfect for two boys getting 'lost' in their own little world. They hadn't come inside for awhile, so I ventured outside to see what they might be up to. I found them nestled back by a tree in some deep weeds, just sitting and talking. They didn't notice me right away, so I hung back and observed.

I overheard many random conversations, like Gabe saying, "If I were a superhero I'd be Batman, cause he gets to drive the Batmobile." Followed by Cooper responding, "And I could be Robin, cause he gets to help Batman beat the bad guys!" And, "When I grow up, I'd love to learn how to fly my own airplane, so that we could go to the rain forest and see some monkeys climbing in the trees."

I heard many random thought of two brothers. But most of all, I heard stories shared among two friends. Two friends who have so much fun together. Two friends who stick up for each other. Two friends who fight one minute, but are best buds again the next. Brothers by birth, but friends by choice.

All for one and one for all
My brother and my friend
What fun we have
The time we share
Brothers 'til the end.
~Author Unknown

For more black & white Wednesday entries, check out The Long Road to China. Thanks for visiting!


  1. Oh these two are so cute it's heartbreaking. I love the little stories about them! And your photos are lovely, thanks for sharing :)

  2. Oh, I could listen to the stories these two weave for hours...there is nothing like the bond that brothers who are friends share...nothing at all.

    I just LOVE the way you captured them. They are sheer perfection!

  3. My brother just came to visit this weekend (he lives in another state so visits are rare). All the more reason why these photos made me smile.

    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  4. Oh how adorable sweet! Does it get any better than that! The B&Ws are just precious ans I am sure you know :)

    Just listening to them talk is truly priceless! I can sit and listen to our two all day long...I can't wait to see what another one will be like adding to the mix...

    Hope you are having a great week :)

  5. Great Pictures of your boys!

    I am sure you could have hung back and listened to these two all day. How sweet and how wonderful that they get along so well. These pictures are so telling of the bond that they share. It is a beautiful thing!

    Have a wonderful week!


  6. Reading your post today brought a smile to my face. I love hearing about siblings that not only love each other but are actual friends. I didn't have that growing up so much since there is an 8 yr gap between my sister and myself. Now that we are grown, those years don't even matter anymore. We are as close as two can be... friends til the end.

  7. What a perfect moment. They will conquer the world together!

  8. What a beautiful post that gives true testimony to the love and friendship siblings share.
    btw..such handsome boys:)

  9. Wow that is a sight! So nice to see as a mom tow getting along! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  10. Oh! How I love this post!

    I have two sons...Two years apart in age ((15 and 17))...They are and have always been the best of friends. My hope is it will never change.

    May your sons always be the best of friends now, forever and always.

    Beautiful B&W photos!

  11. Those photos are very sweet! You should definitely frame the one with their arms on each other's shoulders.

    I am working on a brotherly love post, too, but it's MY brothers I am gong to be writing about. :)

  12. Beautiful! I can only imagine how wonderful it must have been to hear your two little boys sharing stories and dreams for the future. I grew up with two sisters so I know what it's like to have a sibling to share your life greatest moments with. And you're so right....God doesn't make any mistakes!

  13. I'm a boy mom(I have three) and I love it when I catch them being friends. You did a good job capturing their relationship!

  14. O my Gosh how sweet!! Wish I could see my boys like that more instead of fighting! :-( When they were little that happened a lot but not so much right now.

  15. Adorable!!!!!! I LOVE these photos, you truly captured their relationship!- just precious :) My older two (we have 4 also!) are 13(boy) & 11(girl) and they are still best buds!

  16. I love love love love it! My two littlest guys are having some amazing conversations too (they are 4 and 2) and there is just something about the closeness of brothers that gets me.

    Wonderful photos, as usual :)

  17. That is so sweet! The are lucky to have each other. Of course I love your photos too, you are very talented.

  18. How great it that? Such a beautiful bond! Love the pictures too!

  19. Love everything about these and your words to accompany them. I'm reminded of my own 2 younger brothers, also 2 years apart, very opposite in personality and thick as thieves growing up. As adult men in their 40's they are still best friends...

    Thanks so much for sharing them with us! :)

  20. What a great story and what beautiful pictures!

  21. The pictures of the two of them are just beautiful. What a blessing for both of them to have a sibling they so adore. I hope they never lose that.

  22. Those are great pictures of your boys, and a great memory for you. My two are still so little, I'm not sure yet how their personalities will mesh, but I can't wait to see!

  23. What a precious moment with such a precious boys! Love those cute freckles! ;)

  24. Gabe and Cooper are SO cute. Holy WOW! What adorable little boys. I am afraid that if I met them I would give them both big squeezy hugs : ). So cute!

  25. You know I can think of few things sweeter han the bond between sibiings.... It's absolutely precious you were able to capture this moment of brotherly love.
