Monday, March 15, 2010

Signs of Spring

As much as I love winter, I too look forward to the days of warmer weather.

The days where we can spend time outside without bundling up and bearing the cold.

The days like today.

And on days like today, it's not rare to find Cooper doing this...

Oh how he loves this BIG trike. A hand-me-down of his big brother Gabe, Cooper claims it as his own. He will ride, and ride, and ride some more. Up and down the driveway he goes, onto the grass and back onto the gravel. Those big tires take him anywhere.

And oh how cute he is on that bike...


  1. That is the super-best-est trike I have ever seen! I am with Cooper I would ride that 'til the cows came home too! We were also in a spring mood today over here a few miles to the east (heehee.) Although, I had to rely on some "older" photos to fill the gaps. Hope it continues to get warm!

  2. Cute pictures! We are also anxious for spring to arrive!

  3. What a beautiful family! Your pictures a wonderful! Love them and your blog. Too... cute!
    Jenn :)

  4. love the photos. they have a 1940s feel.
    happy spring

  5. So glad your weather is finally warming up. The landscape in the background of your photos is beautiful (so is the little cutie riding the trike!). Can't imagine waking up to that view every day.

  6. What a great trike! Those tires are perfect for gravel roads and he does look very cute riding it! Hurry Spring!!!
