Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Black & White Wednesday - Gabe, the seven-year-old

For this Black & White Wednesday over at The Long Road to China, I decided to post some more photos I took a few days ago in honor of Gabe's seventh birthday.

I still can't believe my oldest is seven. I know I sound like a broken record, like I'm getting old, like I just need to get over it. But it really does seem like just yesterday that I was holding this little baby in my arms. Yet now, he's seven.

Gabe is sweet...

And silly...

He's happy...

and sincere...

And just a little bit ghetto ;)

There's so much personality wrapped up in that little seven-year-old body. Happy seventh birthday Gabe. Try not to turn eight too fast, for mom's sake.


  1. LOVE them all, what a great personality your guy the ghetto one. lol!

    Beautiful black and whites, I always look forward to your's every week. :)

  2. Love these! Especially against that neat background - nice set up. And of course, cute kiddo!

  3. Seven is such a fun age. I love his freckles in these photos and I really love the texture of the background. Very interesting in black and white.

    You're not old! Your baby is still a little boy. Just wait until he's 17! Then you'll be old (parenting a teenager ages us quickly!)


    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  4. You really did capture his personality in your photos! I hope he had a great birthday!

    I accidentally clicked on your photography blog from the comment you left and the pictures of Mylee are so cute!

    My little guy is 7 and will be 8 in November I really could freeze him at this age forever.

  5. What great pictures of your big boy. I felt the same exact way when my daughter turned seven this past January. How do they grow up so quickly? Sometimes I look into my daughter's eyes and still see her as a baby. I long to pick her up and just rock her. Oh don't even get me started... ;-)

    Love your blog! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Me too. My eldest just turned 7 and it's like racing down a hill. She just won't stop. I'm afraid I'll blink and she'll be 15. Yikes!

    What great shots you have of your big boy. Love his freckles and his personality just jumps at you. Me thinks there's some mischief in those innocent eyes.

  7. What a handsome boy!!! I will have a 7 year old this year too. Your little man looks wiser beyond his years!! Love the freckles too!!

  8. It has been awhile since I checked in.... I always enjoy your pictures...very well done!

  9. He has some great facial expressions. And he looks older than 7!

  10. What a lovely pictures of your sweet little boy. Have a great week!
