Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter

I hope that you all had a very blessed Easter. We certainly did!

How can you not, when you celebrate Easter for was it is...Jesus's resurrection day. The day God's promise for a Savior was fulfilled. The day the stone was rolled away, and a dead man came to life, giving life to all of us who choose to believe. The basis of our lives as Christians. Thank God for that very first Easter day.

And this Easter, I thank the Lord for my family.

For my husband, who not only teaches others about the saving grace of Jesus Christ as a pastor, but also shows our children what it really means to follow Him in the most tangible and real ways.

And I thank the Lord for my children. For their childlike faith, and hearts overflowing with the
joy of the Lord. And for their eagerness to love each other...most of the time ;)

And for their willingness to humor mom with some photos...

Our kids may not get visits from the Easter bunny. Instead, their Easter egg hunts and baskets come from mom & dad, and grandpa & grandma. But they do 'get' the real reason for Easter. As Chloe said when she woke up Sunday morning and was reminded today was Easter, "I'm so happy about Jesus! He's alive!"

Amen to that!


  1. Amen! I love the Easter photos. You have such a creative way of capturing your kids together I like that they are not just grouped together. It really makes their individual personalities shine. I especially love the photos of Chloe, she is just precious!

  2. Happy Easter to you too! I have just realized we have one more thing in common! We are both pastor's wifes! I had no idea your husband was also a minister! You are third woman I met who is a photographer and a pastor's wife! Perhaps we need to star a new group on FB or something like that eh? LOL!! Take care!

  3. Very sweet. Lovely photos, as always.

  4. It sounds like you had a fabulous Easter! Cute pictures!

  5. Your family is so beautiful! I just love your post and your pictures.

  6. Amen to that! Your Chloe is one bright little girl at such a young age!! :)

    And I don't know how you do those effects on your photos, but I LOVE them!!?!! Beautiful, beautiful pics!

    Happy Easter! <><

  7. Amen!!

    Great shots!! Love that Target dress, they did not have it in Ava's size. :-(

    Your children are just so precious!!

  8. Sounds like you had a wonderful Easter. And these pictures are lovely, beautiful hues to them all. You have a gorgeous family!

  9. Stunning, stunning images as ever!

    Happy Easter!

  10. absolutely beautiful photos! Chloe is just adorable, love her headband!

  11. Happy Easter

    i love the way you capture your childen, I love the photo of your daughter smiling it looks like a ray of sunshine

  12. What beautiful Easter photos!!! Mine are still in my camera and I haven't even looked at fact, I forgot all about them until just now! LOL!

  13. angie,
    this is erika from a cup of cold water! i got your comment. i'm sorry for the confusion in contacting me! the address is at the top but only at the top - maybe i should add it elsewhere just to be clear. i feel bad about that; i do apologize!
    you can email me at pfinn77athotmaildotcom
    thank you!

  14. Out of the mouths of babes! Go Chloe!

    I just love how you dress your children! Always so adorable!
