Friday, May 21, 2010

9 months

Gavin turned nine months on April 31. And I just took him to his check-up today. Can you say busy?!?

Or maybe I've just been putting off the inevitable...another milestone recorded. It all goes by so fast, too fast. Yes, a resounding theme on this blog, but one that is so very evident every time I look at my four children, growing and changing so much everyday.

Gavin's 9 Month Stats:
Height: 28 1/4" {33 %}
Weight: 18 lbs. 15 1/2 ounces {5 %}

Gavin continues to be such an easy going baby. He loves to hang out and watch his brothers and sister. Cooper and Gavin continue to share a special bond, and Coop is often seen carrying {yikes} Gavin from room to room, talking to him and showing him new things {mostly good!} Gavin is pulling himself up to everything and beginning those first steps towards cruising.

I just love this age. Wish I could freeze time and have the kids stay this age for just a bit longer. But, as I said before, it's all inevitable. I just have to make sure to enjoy every minute!

We just got our hay baled recently, so I took advantage of the opportunity and got a few shots of Gavin in the field. He loves being outdoors.

I sat him on top of the hay bale, and he was so excited!

Love those baby toes...

It didn't take long for Gavin's farm boy roots to come out. He kept putting hay in his mouth...

Making the funniest faces as he chewed on that hay...

Has it really been nine months {almost ten!}

Oh how I love this little guy...


  1. Oh my goodness...I absolutely LOVE the hay!!! What a cute idea! And a cute little boy, too! :)

  2. He is so adorable!!! I love the hay!!! Great pictures...and the coloring is fabulous!!!!! Love your photography : ) These are such creative shots!

  3. Your pictures are adorable! I so love them! I wish I lived closer so I could have you take pictures of my kids!

    Our 9 month olds are getting so big. It's going too fast! Before you know it we'll be posting 1 year pictures......

  4. OH MY....he is just precious!! I love the shot of him with the piece of hay in his mouth:)

    Hope you are doing is a really BUSY time of year, isn't it?


  5. GORGEOUS!!!! Those photos of him with hay in his mouth cracked me up!
