Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hershey's Track Meet 2010

One word to describe my life lately: busy! Busy doing photo shoots, planning and executing The Amazing Race for the youth group, taking kids to doctor's check-ups and dentist appointments, taking Gabe to football practice and baseball practice. Busy.

Due to my busy state, the blog has sadly been neglected. I really do hope to get better about updating, for this is my journal of events our family experiences. The kids are growing and changing so fast, with every day bringing a new adventure that I don't want to forget!

I could write posts about each of the before mentioned events, but I don't know that I have time to do it, or that you'd care to read it! But I would like to write a bit about this year's Hershey's Track Meet. If you recall, Gabe has been competing in this event for the past two years. You can read about it here, and here. And Cooper has been anxiously waiting for his turn to compete. This was his year! Cooper finally met the age requirement for participation, and boy was he excited! He had sat and watched Gabe run and jump and throw softballs for the past two years, and he was thrilled it was finally his turn!

This year, Gabe {age 7} competed in the 7 and 8 year old age bracket. So, the competition was stiff! Gabe chose to do the long jump, the softball throw and the 50 meter dash. He was so very proud when he placed third in the 50 meter! And I have to say, we were a bit surprised. I used to run track, before I messed up my knee in a hurdle event. But I was fast, running sprints. Jason participated in track as well, but he was not a runner. He did the shot put and discus. And since Gabe seems to be build more like Jason, for strength rather than speed, we had assumed running would not be Gabe's strong point. This just goes to show what a strong spirit and work ethic can accomplish. Your body style only accounts for so much, then determination kicks in. Gabe ran his hardest and it paid off. We are so proud of him, not for winning a ribbon, but for always trying his absolute best.

Cooper participated in the long jump, the 50 meter dash and the 100 meter dash. He was in the 5 and 6 year old age bracket. And since Cooper hasn't even turned 5 yet, the competition was stiff for him as well. But Cooper showed that he has some great natural jumping ability, and jumped for 3rd place in the long jump! My heart just filled with joy as I saw the look on his face when they read his name over the loud speaker. Coop had seen his athletic big brother win ribbon after ribbon and trophy after trophy in various sporting events for the past few years. The last thing Cooper said to me as I tucked him into bed the night before the track meet was, "I only hope I win one ribbon mom!" So I was so happy for him to have accomplished his goal!

Cooper is little, but is a very fast runner, finishing second in his heat. Although Cooper didn't place in the top three in his racing events, the long jump ribbon made up for it and he didn't mind a bit.

I am just glad to see that both boys had a blast, accomplished their goals, and walked away with a sense of achievement. I am so proud of the character they display, congratulating their friends and being content with trying their best. These are traits that will bring them far in life.

I didn't take many pictures. I think I was so enthralled with watching that I forgot to pick up the camera much of the afternoon. But here are a few I did capture...

Gabe doing the long jump...

Measuring the jump as Dad and Cooper look on...

Cooper doing the long jump...

Gabe doing the softball throw...

Cooper {second from right} waiting to start his race. He had no idea how to stand to prepare for the starting gun. He just stood up straight, arms at his sides, looking quite serious...

Gabe, waiting to start the 50 meter dash, which he placed third in...

Cooper with his first-ever ribbon, the smile telling the story...

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