Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Cooper's Preschool Graduation

Cooper had his preschool celebration/graduation a few weeks back. I'm just finally getting around to posting about it. Maybe it's because I've been so busy. Or maybe I'm just in denial that my little boy has officially completed preschool and will be in kindergarten in the fall. I'm cherishing this summer with all my kiddos. They just grow too fast!

Here's Cooper on 'stage' during the time that the preschoolers sang some songs. Oh my goodness, they were so very cute! I forgot the camcorder that day and am just kicking myself. Notice Cooper smiling right at the camera. That's my boy! And I think he was just a little happy to be standing by one of his beautiful classmates :)

Here's Cooper with his graduation certificate, standing by what will be his lockers next year in kindergarten. I just love his kool-aid mustache...

And finally, Cooper with his teachers taken on the last day of school. He's going to miss them...

I now have two kids that will be in school in the fall
{Insert tears here}, and two still at home. Congratulations Cooper!


  1. I know it's bittersweet isn't it? this graduation and growing up thing?

    Cooper is one handsome little guy, and wonderful pics as always, Angie!!!

  2. So sweet! And I think that little girl next to him was making kissy faces at him!


  3. Too cute! And don't worry...I'm in denial about my Chloe starting Kindergarten in the Fall, too. :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Love the photos!! Thank you for emailing some too. I have not had the courage to go through those yet! It does bring tears doesn't it?! AND I do have it on video which I am happy to share. I did not get the turtle song though which makes me sad. I love that song! I'll be happy to share a copy though. E and C were standing close together too so it should be good of both of them!

    P.S. that deleted comment was from me (sorry I was signed into the fundraising account. I do that too often lately!)

  6. Bring on Kindergarten!! Cooper looks like he will have no problems..((growing up)) sniff sniff! Such a handsome little boy!
