Thursday, June 10, 2010


Ten years ago tonight, I was at my wedding reception dancing and celebrating with the man I would spend the rest of my life with.

It was just Jason and I, two kids at the tender age of 21, vowing to love each other forever with God at the throne of our marriage. And ten years later, God still sits there, uniting us as one.

We also have four kids, family, friends, vehicles, hobbies, Supervisor campaigns, photo shoots, youth group meetings, kids' activities, house short,
a lot filling our lives. But God remains number one. And without Him at the center, I shutter to think what would have become of us.

I thank Him for bringing us together. For perfectly orchestrating every single event that brought us to that marriage ceremony ten years ago. When I think of how easy it would have been for us to have missed one another....if I had never moved into Jason's hometown my freshman year of high school. If I had never dated his friend, or been in the same American Literature class. Or if I had never taken the time to look past the outward arrogance of a teenage boy that I saw upon first glance, and look into the inner workings of what makes Jason such an awesome man of God. How easily we could have missed each other, and would never be celebrating ten years and four kids together. But thank God for His grace, for having patience with us when we make mistakes. For being a God who is faithful, and loving. Who is just and perfect. Who loves us more than we can even fathom, and who gives us helpmates to love.

So ten years later, I thank God for Jason. I thank God for blessing me with a husband who is perhaps the most discerning man I've ever met. Who longs for the Lord's will to be done in every situation and who leads with God's authority. And who loves me unconditionally. I couldn't ask for anything more.

I love you Jason.


  1. That's wonderful - congratulations! And many more happy anniversaries to come :-)

  2. That was beautiful Angie! Isn't it amazing to know God is always at work behind the scenes? And that He knows what He is doing! Congrats!!

  3. Congratulations! Ten years is such a milestone in a marriage and a great time to reflect. I enjoyed your post and how God brought you together it is amazing isn't it?

    I hope you have plans to celebrat big both your anniversary and your little guy turning 5!

  4. SWEET!!!!! First of all, Happy 10 years! second of all - thanks for reminding & encouraging us to give praise to The One who IS behind the scenes and how incredibly blessed we are to be married to godly men!

    Happy anniversary!


  5. oh my, what a lovely post.

    Happy 10th wedding anniversary.


  6. What a sweet post! Congrats on 10 happy years together!

  7. So sweet! You two make the cutest couple! Happy anniversary!


  8. Happy 10th anniversary! What a beautiful milestone and a beautiful post!

  9. Happy Anniversary Angie & Jason!

    Many more years of wedded bliss to you two!

  10. Beautiful! Happy anniversary!

    Mama Hen
