Saturday, July 31, 2010

Gavin is One!

One year. Has it really been a whole year since Gavin Jace was born? As much as it seems it can't be, it was in fact one year ago today that my youngest made his way into the world. {Click here for Gavin's first ever blog appearance.}
What a blessing it has been to have Gavin as a part of our family.

He was such a good baby from the start. And now, I guess I have to say he's a good toddler {cringe!} I hate to say goodbye to my baby, but as I look at Gavin now, I see a big boy. One who is on the verge of taking his first steps solo. One who says mama, dada, bye bye, hi. One who smiles non stop and attempts to sing Little Mermaid songs right along with his big sister. One who squeals with excitement as his brothers chase him on all fours through the house. One who fits into our family so seamlessly, as though he has always been here. And one who brings more joy into our lives than I could have ever imagined. One look at his ever-smiling face and my heart melts. My sweet Gavin is one today!

Happy birthday baby boy. You are so very loved!


  1. The heart of a mommy who sees her blessings before beautifully written and Gavin is so beautiful!!! Time flies right through us...amazing to know that we live in a dimension in which 24 hours is considered a day, and yet our Eternal God has no boundaries of time...thank you for sharing with us your beautiful gift from the Lord! I giggled as I read...beautiful, lovely family.

  2. Wow, I can't believe that Gavin is already one! That means it's been nearly a year since I started following your blog. Where has the time gone?!?! Happy Birthday, Gavin!!!

  3. It sure has gone by quick. I can't believe it either! Happy Birthday sweet boy!

    Angie, I just love your photography! That last picture is adorable!

  4. Happy Birthday to Gavin! It seems unreal he is already a year old! Where did {that} last year go?!?!!?

  5. Happy Birthday! I am sure you have something fantastic planned to celebrate, enjoy!

  6. Precious little boy! Amazing how fast the time goes.

  7. AWWWWWWWWWWWW Happy birthday Gavin!!!

    And *hugs* to Mommy, it is hard saying goodbye to the baby stage, but as you know, the bigger stages are sweet too!

  8. Such a cutie! That year did go by so fast!! Enjoy every second!


  9. Happy Birthday, baby boy! I LOVE his first appearance on the blog - his sweet newborn face - the brown polka dots. Sigh......

    I can't believe how HOT you look in the hospital ;) And at home with a new baby. I think I refused to see people for months because *I* Looked so bad - heck with the cute baby!!

  10. Testing blogspot..
