Monday, August 16, 2010

Gavin's 1 year photos

I have been a bit absent from blogging. Okay, very absent. With Jason going on a mission trip and leaving me a single mother for 10 days, and with our family then heading to Pennsylvania and Washington D.C. for vacation, I've had little time for the blog. Actually, my business blog has been getting a lot more attention than this family blog. If you aren't already, become a follower here and you'll get a lot more posts from me ;) But I digress.

As I shared in a previous post, my youngest, Gavin, turned one recently. He's growing like a weed and changing everyday. He's still not walking, which is quite a change from my other three kiddos who were all walking well before the age of one. But really I'm not anxious for walking...Gavin gets into enough trouble just crawling around the house! And with him being the fourth, I'm savoring the baby stage before walking begins.

I think it's about time I posted some more photos celebrating Gavin's one year milestone. We haven't officially had his party yet. I was all ready and decorated for it, cake & all, but then the poor guy came down with a fever. The two-tier cake went into the freezer for the rescheduled party, but I did manage to get a few photos of him with his cake anyway. And we had a photo shoot a few days prior to his scheduled party as well. Here's a few of the images celebrating Gavin's one year birthday! Okay, not a few...try, a bunch! If you are friends with me on facebook, then you've probably already seen most of these. But he's so cute, I don't think you'll mind looking at them again, right?!? Still can't believe my baby is one.


  1. Oh my is he simply adorable. Your photography is amazing. I don't know how you can stand all that cuteness!

  2. What a handsome little guy! I love his birthday cake!

    My kids didn't walk until 14 months and I was very thankful!

    Hope you have a great week!

  3. The cuteness is just overwhelming! I LOVE how you decorated everything for the party, the photos on the clothesline are SUCH an awesome idea! Happy Birthday Gavin!

  4. Very sweet! I love the cake. Who made it? Happy birthday, baby!
