Friday, July 16, 2010

The Potty Princess

I have been hesitating writing this post, for fear I'd jinx it. But with almost 3 weeks of no accidents under our belts, I think it's safe to say that Chloe is officially potty trained! {Or if you ask her, she is officially 'The Potty Princess!'}

Whoever said girls are easier to train than boys didn't know Chloe. She had to decide on her own it was time, and nothing I did {or tried to bribe her with, ha!} was going to work. She just decided she wanted to 'be a big girl.'

And are we ever grateful for our big girl. Isn't she cute with her just-like-mommy sunglasses ;) Such a big girl!


  1. Way to go Chloe! We are in the midst of that little trial ourselves. Sophie went three hours dry - three weeks seems like a dream!!

  2. Way to "go" Chloe! Our girls were easier than our boys, but only in the sense that they were ready earlier. I love that all children are different - we wouldn't want them to be the same would we?? Adorable photos!

  3. Hooray for Chloe! Potty training is such a great accomplishment. Our son was wayyyy easier to train than our daughter!

  4. Hooray!!! Way to go Princess Chloe!!! :)

  5. Yay Chloe!!! And I love your stylin' glasses. Beautiful pics as always Angie!

  6. Gosh these photo's are SO sweet, I adore her sunglasses! And her hair is so beautiful! What a cutie!

    Congratulations potty queen!

