Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ruffled Feathers

I was recently able to have a very small part in helping a dear friend, Valerie, with her desire to sew beautiful clothing entirely for the purpose of helping others. This desire is lived out under the name, Ruffled Feathers. Read about it here on Valerie's blog.

This woman of God has such a BIG heart for God's people, especially His little children. It gives me great joy to sit and talk with Valerie about our shared passion for adoption and overall desire for His children to not be abandoned, but to all find the forever homes they long for. And it's so neat to have a little part in her venture to help see this desire become a reality, piece by piece, skirt by skirt and dress by dress, even if my part is only holding a camera and taking a few photos of her wonderful creations. {Believe me, you don't want me trying to sew a skirt or a dress! I can barely sew on a button!} I am blessed to be a part of it all.

Here are some photos of Chloe modeling Valerie's first-ever apron knot dress. Isn't it beautiful...

They way she chose to put together the patterns and fabrics is perfection.

And Chloe definitely felt like a princess wearing this creation. In her own words..."Oh my! It's my Chloe princess flag dress," as she proceeded to dance around the yard.

As you may recall if you are a regular follower of this blog, my husband is running for re-election this year and we are in full campaign mode. {Click here to read more about his campaign.} What's more perfect for Chloe to wear to all those parades than this beautiful, patriotic creation.

Thanks so much Valerie for allowing us to be a small piece of your precious plan to help others. We are blessed.

To order your own beautiful apron dress, or to see other creations Valerie is continuing to add to her inventory, visit Valerie's blog, http://almyfamilyjournal.blogspot.com/.


  1. Wow - I had seen Chloe wearing that dress - didn't realize Valerie had made it. It looks professionally done! So cute.

  2. Oh Angie! I'm blushing ... and in tears. You make me sound a whole lot better than I really am! But thank you so much for posting on Ruffled Feathers!

    I am honored. And hopeful.
    I think I have a following of about ... um ... 6 on my blog ... so this will hopefully get the word out a little bit more! I would love to have this be something that would bring glory to God and a beautiful way to help bring children into their forever families! I'm trying to think why else I would have such a desire and fulfillment in making little girl dresses/skirts--He knows more than me that is of course certain. It will be fun to see someday the bigger picture of where all these avenues were meant and where they take us!
    And yes ... I need to have Chloe model for me again :-) Thanks for offering knowing me well enough that you know that I don't want to over bother you by asking! ... But if Chloe doesn't mind ... I'll make my samples in her size ;-)

  3. Oh my -- beautiful dress! She is very talented. Will be heading over to her blog! Thanks for sharing!


  4. So beautiful! I really love that last picture!!

    You are right...this will be the perfect parade dress!

  5. I just read Valeries comments....I would guess Chloe won't mind at all! :) How sweet!

  6. can't even stand how cute Miss Chloe is in Valerie's new knot dress!! I think we need a little one four ourselves! Gotta share in Valerie's sweet heart to help those who can't help themselves!

  7. That dress is adorable! It will be perfect for the campaign too!
