Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The making of our Valentine's Day Cards

Valentine's Day is something I love. Because it's about just that...love. Showing love to those we love. And MCP Actions did just that! They're showing the love by offering free card templates. They're so very cute, check them out:

Go here to download your very own free mini card templates! I love freebies!

As does Florabella, who is also offering free Valentine's templates...

The designs are all so adorable and I immediately fell in love with the bookmarks. Here's Chloe's Valentine bookmarks she will give out this year...

As much as I love all the free Valentine designs, I didn't find one that worked very well for the boys. They were all a little too girly. And I love girly, but not so much for the boys. {On a side note, I actually showed the cards to Gabe and he said, "There is no way I'm handing out cards that have hearts all over them. What would the boys think???" Made me laugh, so I just had to share.}

But, I have been craving a little art project, and with the boys help, we made their cards for this year.

First, I drew out a 5x7 box and sketched a robot...

Added a background graph design to add some depth...

I then printed one out for Gabe and Cooper and let them color their Valentines. I did make a color chart so they wouldn't get too carried away with the colors. (Cooper has this thing with coloring everything black lately. Trust me, a color chart was necessary!) And then, I also 'helped' their coloring a bit in photoshop too! ha! It's amazing how you can erase what is outside the lines, and blend a bit here and there.

After they colored them, I then scanned them back into the computer and added the 'UR Gr8' and the heart on the robot's chest with computer drawn squares, and also added the boy's faces to the Valentines...

And then the boys cut them out.

Voila! Robot Valentines!

And in case you're thinking that I'm insanely organized already having Valentines done and ready to go, think again. We're leaving on our annual ski trip in a few short weeks and will be back just in time for Valentine's Day parties at school, so I had no other choice!

Don't you just Love Valentine's Day!


  1. Has anyone ever told you that you're an over-achiever? :) You're putting the boxes of cards I let my kids pick out at Target to shame!

  2. O my gosh, that is so clever!!! Nice job - they turned out so cute

  3. The ones I bought on clearance last year are being SO put to shame by your artistic and mothering abilities! You are such a good mom Angie!
    Wow, where do you find the time?! And HOW did you get the boys to sit down to do that? Man ... I think I'd be dreaming to have the boys do that for Valentine's Day. Well, unless it was for Jeff ... then they'd do it.

    Great Job Angie!

  4. You are amazing! I love these!

    Wow, an annual ski trip - I'm jealous! I'm the only skier in my family :(

    Do you have any photos of your kitchen? I'm thinking I like the idea of your backsplash - the green I was considering isn't wearing on me well :)

  5. You ARE an organized and awesome mama!!!

    And i LOVE the free Valentines ;) I am going to try to download them!

  6. I appreciate your hard work you have done a great job...
    Custom gift cards
    clear cards
