Tuesday, January 18, 2011

She reminds me of the princess from Enchanted...

Does the blog post title have you curious?

Do you know the movie, Enchanted?

If not, first of all, you need to see it. I know it's probably considered a kid's movie, but it's one of my favorites.

Enchanted is about a fairytale princess who is sent to our world {the real world} by an evil queen. Soon after her arrival in New York City, Princess Giselle begins to change her views on life and love after meeting a handsome lawyer. The movie poses the question, 'can a storybook view of life survive in the real world?'

{A photo of Giselle, below..}

Well, in the eyes of my three-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Chloe, every day is a storybook view of life!

Chloe is princess through and through. Maybe with a bit more down and dirty than the average princess thanks to her three brothers, but still a princess. She is very animated, loves to dress up, loves to have her hair & nails done and loves to sing & dance. After all, what princess doesn't sing and dance?

Chloe is also a 'glass-half-full' kind of girl. She is almost always happy, almost always cheery and spreading that happiness to others with her sunny disposition.

Even at the dentist where some little girls may be timid or frightened, Chloe goes into the dentist chair with a smile, singing her favorite 'brush, brush, brush your teeth' song with her high pitched little voice. Which is why soon after meeting Chloe, the dental hygienist turns to me and says, "You know who she reminds me of? The princess from Enchanted."

I smiled, and said, "Yes, we've heard that before!" And we have! Giselle, the princess from Enchanted, shares Chloe's sunny disposition and glass-half-full outlook. Maybe that's why Chloe loves the movie so much! She can often be heard singing one of the movie's main songs "That's how you know."

Chloe, meant to be a princess.

And maybe thinks she really is one...

You experienced princess moms may notice something not quite right in the photo below. Cinderella is wearing Ariel's dress, Ariel is wearing Belle's dress, and Belle is wearing Cinderella's dress. I overheard Chloe telling the princesses that they were being taught a lesson in sharing with their wardrobes today...

Chloe, gotta love her!


  1. She sure looks like a princess and her heart seems to match! :)

  2. What a cute post! We have a princess here too! Girly girls are the best!

  3. So cute! Emma is really getting into princesses now too!

  4. She is so precious! I love that movie too. :-)

  5. I LOVE that movie - no one told me it was supposed to be a kids movie :)

    It is amazing now that you've described Chloe that way, it seems like I know her!

    Enjoy your Princess (lessons in sharing and all!!!)

    xo ellie
