Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chloe + Valentine's Day = Love

My heart overflows when I'm with this girl of mine...

I think besides the candy they get, the boys could take or leave Valentine's Day. But Chloe, she was sooo looking forward to valentine's day so that she could "love on all my friends," as she said. When I told her that she didn't have to wait for valentine's day to do that, she told me, "Yes, but the candy shows my love that much more!"

I just want to squeeze that little giggly face...

Chloe was so looking forward to Valentine's Day that she even made this necklace to wear for the big day using a kit I bought at a local craft store... {Owl Be Yours}

In addition to buying mom flowers this year, her daddy also brought her some flowers. Perfect little red tulips. Chloe politely said, "Oh thank you, Daddy! They're beautiful," and gave one of the tulips a little hug.

Oh how I love her...


  1. Awwww, that pulls at the heart!
    What a sweetie! I'm glad that Valentine's is so special for her. That is so cool. I remember looking forward to it too.
    What's Valentine's Day again? Oh yeah ... kinda forgot here in this house o' boys. haha.

  2. Isn't it soooo much fun having a daughter?! Kamree was the exact same way. I am not sure she even slept the night before V-Day. She was soooo excited!

    I am so glad Chloe got flowers this year. My hubby and son always buy Kamree flowers and she absolutely loves them!

  3. so sweet! It is fun having girls! I love these photos, and the fact that she smiles with her beautiful blue eyes :)

  4. There is something so sweet about Daddy's giving their daughter's flowers. Tim wanted to send some to the girls at school. HA! I told him perhaps he should wait a few years and just bring them some home. :)

    I adore the photo of Chloe giggling with her hands over her mouth. She was making me laugh yesterday at school showing me her hand print hearts.

  5. Your Chloe is OH SO girly!! I just love it! Bless her beautiful little heart!

  6. She is so very sweet. Yur pictures are amazing as always. There is nothing like the bond between mother and daughter.

  7. i have been reading your blog once in a while. i don't really know how i came accross your site but i do enjoy reading it. you have such a beautiful family, you're very lucky. hope you and your family had a wonderful valetine's.
    god bless

  8. Oh my gosh that is so sweet. Yes, her hair is beautiful!
