Friday, February 25, 2011

Ski Trip 2011

A few weeks ago, we went on our annual ski trip to Copper Mountain, Colorado.

Getting ready to leave is always a chore packing for four kids. But for some reason, it seemed especially challenging this year. Photo sessions needed to be finished editing and client orders needed to be placed before we could leave for our vacation. And that's just for my business. Add in shuttling the boys to wrestling practice, helping Jason with youth group activities calendars and all the other day-to-day to-do's, and I was in much need of a reprieve!

So, after driving all night long, barreling our way through a snow storm in the mountains, and getting the kids tucked in for a good night's sleep in actual beds instead of car seats, we were ready Sunday morning to start a wonderful week of skiing.

And wonderful it truly was!

In addition to our family, we had several friends with us this year, one of which just happens to be the family of our sons' best friends. So, needless to say, Gabe and Cooper had a blast sharing a room and beds with their best buddies, Brayden and Easton!

And then there was skiing together!

The boys all had a blast and were making their way down double black diamonds like nobody's business by the end of the week. Yes, there were several almost heart-attack moments for this mom, in case you were wondering. Our five-year-old is a dare-devil and likes to go fast. While going down a steep black diamond run early in the week, Cooper thought he'd go straight down instead of doing his turns as I'd just told him to do at the top of the run. So there I am, watching from behind as I see Cooper skiing straight down the mountain at supersonic speed. It looked as if he thought he'd zoom right by our friend, Jeff, but he instead barreled right into the back of his legs and they both went down. It was completely horrifying. I still wish that I would have somehow captured it on video, although I would have never wanted to watch it again myself.

Thankfully, both Cooper and Jeff escaped the incident unscathed, and it taught Cooper a valuable lesson to make sure you're under control while skiing. The rest of the week Coop skied without incident, and life was good!

So many stories I could share from our wonderful week, but I'll get on to sharing some photos...

This was Chloe's first year on the slopes. She was so excited, but a bit scared too. After getting over her fear of the lift, she did great. Here she is all bundled up. It was so very cold for most of the week...

Cooper lost his first tooth on the second day of skiing. He's so cute and proud with his missing tooth...

The lift below is very tricky, as you can see, because there's only a little bar you grab and place between your legs as it proceeds up the hill. You miss the bar, it's strike one. You fall down, it's strike two and you're out...they only give you two chances to get 'on' the lift. It was the boys' first time on this lift, and they all made it on the first try with flying colors!
{From top to bottom: Me, Cooper Gabe, Brayden and Alex, going up the lift. Jason was in back with the camera.}

At the top there is this sign to remind you that the stick you were just holding on to can be brutal if you allow them to then hit you...

At the top of the lift, you literally feel like you're on top of the world! At the very least, on the top of a very big mountain! Here's Gabe, Cooper and Brayden taking in the view...

We had to ski down this to get down from the top of the mountain. Very steep stuff! We didn't tell the boys until they got down, but this was their very first double black diamond run...

The run is so steep, and so full of fresh powder, that even veterans like Jason's dad fall down sometimes. And Dwight, this is payback for last year's tree run remember, a certain photo of me {and my behind} trying to work my way up from an run-in {literally} with a tree. That was a nice photo, but I like these couple better...

And to be fair, Dwight wasn't the only one who fell on this run. Here's our friend Alex on the ground, as Cooper and Gabe watch...

Here's the boys at the bottom of the run, with the huge mountain in the background being where they just skied down from. What studs...

Some of our crew on the lift...

A BIG thank you to Jason's mom, Grandma Sanders, who volunteered to again go along on the trip and watch kiddos so that I could ski! I think the kids and Bonnie both had fun watching the slopes from the nice warm condo...

I love this one of Easton and Cooper playing the DSi's on the floor. They were so into gaming, they didn't even realize I was there...

But Nolan did! He quickly grabbed his little laptop and posed for me like the big boys...

Speaking of Nolan, his personal mission throughout the week was to help take care of Gavin. Hey, he's older than Gavin, so why not! ha! But Gavin wasn't always so keen on the idea. Love this photo below. Gavin: Mom, stop taking pictures and help a guy out already!

Our friend, Joanna, playing princesses with Chloe...

Our little Dare Devil, Gabe, doing a jump on the terrain park...

You don't have to look long to see who Gabe takes after. Here's Jason doing a jump...

Here's our friends during an impromptu photo session...

This family went with us four years ago, and they had their truck stolen on the way out in Denver. Seriously, their truck was stolen along with all their belongings! No wonder it took four years for them to work up the bravery to try it again! We are so thankful they came along, and so happy it was a MUCH better trip!

Here's all the kid skiers from our group. Left to right, Chloe, Gabe, Brayden, Cooper and Easton...

And our family, minus Gavin...

Our Dew Run crew...

And what's a Dew Run without the Dew...

And we can't forget some gorgeous scenery...

Photo overload, I know. And this was just a small portion! What a blessed trip!


  1. I always enjoy the posts about your annual ski trips so much. :)

  2. Oh Angie what a cool post! And you beat me to it ... I've been dragging my feet. You got WAY better photos than me (ahem, as if that should surprise me!) And I love your commentary as well. It was a really, really fun trip. Actually, it was the best ski trip I've been on! (I think I probably shouldn't have told Jeff this ... oops ...) But it was really fun. AND what a blessing Bonnie was taking care of Nolan and the other kids so we could all ski worry free! I hope we can join the ski crew again in the future!

  3. It looked amazing - even if cold!!

    So fun to go with Valerie and Jeff and their boys...

    I swear we have to meet up! Funny..I am in Iowa City this weekend - heading to Cedar Rapids in Monday! We are so close!

  4. Gorgeous photos! what a fun trip - I'm a bit jealous as when I met my hubby I was living in Colorado - and I've only skied once since then!

    Your boys are amazing skiing those double blacks! I'm glad you had a great time - and thanks for sharing your beautiful photos!

    xo ellie

  5. I was a little paniced reading this post, I am still in shick that your boys were skiing double black diamonds!!!! We had hoped to take our kids for their first year this year but it looks like it will be next year and we will all be on the bunny slopes, lol!

    So glad you had a great time and nobosy was hurt or got their car stolen!
