Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Black & White Wednesday - Ski Trip

I haven't blogged since last Black & White Wednesday. Why you ask? Because we are currently on our annual week-long ski trip. And although a lot of times I blog during vacation to keep a journal of the day's events while they are fresh in my mind, I just haven't taken the time to do so this time. I have just been enjoying vacation too much I guess. But I couldn't take a vacation from Black & White Wednesday, so I thought I'd share a couple of photos from our week so far here in Colorado.

My husband has been skiing since he was three. His family takes a ski trip every year, almost always to the same ski resort, Copper Mountain. Nestled between Vail and Breckenridge, the views are surreal. The mountains amaze me every year, just like the first time I saw them.

My husband introduced me to skiing when I was 16 years old on a local hill in Iowa. I loved skiing immediately, but it wasn't until I took that first trip out to Colorado with Jason's family the year we were married that I realized how Iowa skiing doesn't begin to compare to Colorado. Besides the great powder and vertical, Iowa is definitely lacking views like this...

I remember the first time I saw the Rocky Mountains. I cried. Literally. Just thinking of how awesome our God is, to create something so beautiful, so majestic. It brought me to tears. God's creation is simply breathtaking!

Besides the Rocky Mountains, and skiing, Jason also introduced me to the Dew Run. Let me explain. The Dew Run is a tradition Jason's Dad started many years ago. For those of you who don't know, Jason's Dad, Dwight, loves skiing and he loves Mountain Dew. The Dew Run combines those two passions perfectly. Every morning, we take Mountain Dew - one for each person skiing in our group - up to the top of the mountain and bury them in the snow. We then go and retrieve the Dews for our last run of the day, find a spot to sit and enjoy the dew, the view and each others' company. And so, the Dew run lives on every year...Good Dew, Great View, Fine Crew.

Here are Jason and I enjoying our Dew on the first day of our trip this year. I actually prefer the photo in color, but couldn't help but share it today. It was snowing hard that day, and I love the way the snow fills the photograph...

I will have many, many more photos from our ski trip soon. But for now, back to skiing. Stay tuned, and thanks for visiting on this Black & White Wednesday!


  1. I love the pictures, and the story to go with them...but I just can't help feeling cold ; ) Brrrrr. Enjoy !

  2. Wow, that first image is so majestic! Beautiful winter shots!

  3. LOVE the story behind THE DEW RUN lol and the photo is truly priceless!

    Skiing in CO ~ must be nice lol! I too have been skiing since I was four, but gave it up in my late 20's...why you NEPA it is just way too darn cold for me! I started hating (I know strong word here but I did) the bitter cold that would sting my fingers and toes (not matter what I was wearing). I so need to get back into it for I would LOVE for my girls to learn how, but seeing how when it turns cold...I stay 99% of my time indoors...I am thinking it is not going to happen (unless you guys want to take them & teach them how to ski lol)!

    Anyway...looks like you are having a great time ~ enjoy your week vacation ~ skiing :)

  4. Love the snow! AND I can even see your smile even through the white out of snow and all the ski gear :-)
    Hope you are having a great time ... and make sure you don't stop in New Brighton on your way home!

  5. Love the pictures and the Dew Run that is awesome. My hubby is from Colorado and I"m from Utah..mountains are the best as long as your having fun.

  6. Love the pictures!!! I hope you're having a great time on your trip! And the "Dew Run" is such a fun idea...what a neat thing to pass on to your little ones! :)

  7. What beautiful pictures!! I can only imagine what it is like to ski in Colorado.... no comparison to this area I am sure:)

    Enjoy the rest of your trip!!


  8. Majestic indeed!

    OH, happy vacation and I don't blame a bit for taking time out to just "be" & relish the family time!

    Gorgeous photos and love the story behind 'em too!

  9. Wow, absolutly gorgeous. i get all teary when i see beauitful landscapes and nature pics, it reminds me of how beautiful our world is and makes me want to visit.
    thanks for sharing . stopping over from b&w wed.

  10. The Dew Run...I had to read that twice...HOW FUN!

    Enjoy your vacation, your "Morning Dew Runs" and most of all your family!

    Can't wait to see the other pictures...That one is just great!

  11. Love your photos! Looks like you're having a fabulous time. I don't ski but my MIL lives in Denver. I think at this point in my life I'm too old and feeble ;-) to try, but the kids would probably love it.

    Enjoy the last of your vacation!

    Happy Wednesday!

  12. What fun memories you've created! I love how you shared you cried the first time you saw the Rockies because I cry at nature, as well. I've often felt alone in this... :-)

    I hope you have a safe time and continue to have fun!!! Looking forward to seeing more.


  13. Magestic!!
    Enjoy your trip, you look like your having a blast. ;)

  14. That photo of the mountain is gorgeous. I love how the cloud are casting shadows in the perfect spots.

  15. Love happy family time..nothing is sweeter...not even a piece of good

  16. Beautiful, absolutely beautiful!

    My DH and I love Colorado! Can't wait to go back some day when our kiddos are older.

  17. Oh cool! Isn't Colorado so beautiful!!! Have fun!


  18. I live in Eastern Canada and generally skiing plays a huge role in our winter fun. This year we hardly have any snow.

    My favorite picture is the one filled with snow.

  19. Wow! Those mountains are beautiful!!! I love all the snow falling in your second photo!!!

  20. Oh my goodness. What a fun tradition. I love it! I love that you get to spend time with the whole family every winter skiing. That is just awesome :)

  21. I like the pictures. All that snow. I loved the only trip I have gotten to go on to the mountains. Enjoy your vacation!!

  22. These are absolutely beautiful!!!
    I've never been much of a skiier but I adore the state of Colorado and the mountains there...they are truly God's work.

    Have a wonderful time!

  23. listen to you "powder and vertical" ;)

    I know I was awestruck when we visited Colorado too.. Nothing like a first hand look at God's handiwork!

    Thanks for the Dew Run story. That is so sweet!

  24. PS Did Gabe take that picture of you guys? :)

  25. OH gosh - skiing vacation! I am so jealous! Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!
    Love your pics today - just beautiful!

  26. LOVE the first image of those majestic Rockies. Wow. And your
    2nd one just made me laugh. You must have had lots of fun.

  27. I love the photo of the two of you in the snow! Wow! It just looks like such a fun photo. Love it!

  28. Gorgeous as usual! Thanks for sharing!

  29. Beautiful! We have not being skiing in Colorado for a few years and I miss it. I love the Mt. Dew story, what a fun tradition.

    My skiing experience is the same. I learned in Iowa and partially tore my acl because the ice. Ben and I went to Colorado for our 5 year anniversay and our friends convinced us to try. There is no comparison, Colorado has the best skiing!

  30. OH, these are FANTASTIC....the last one made me smile REALLY big!

    Looks like a PERFECT time!

  31. What a great tradition! The mountains truly are majestic!

  32. So beautiful! I love the "Dew Run"! You guys are too much fun! :)

  33. Love the pictures and the Dew Run that is awesome
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