Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Black & White Wednesday - Ski Trip Part 2

I have so many photos from our Spring Break ski trip last week, that this week's black & white Wednesday is again focused on Colorado.

I have to say 'sorry' to those of you who are tired of the snow and cold. I've noticed that many people have very, very strong feelings about winter. I do too, it's just that my feelings seem to be in the minority. So here it goes, I'm just going to say it proudly...I LOVE snow and I LOVE winter. Please don't burn me at the stake. I completely understand those of you who are tired of the white stuff and long for summer. I, too, like summer. The warm days playing out in the summer sun with the kids are pleasant memories. I just love the days playing out in the snow too, especially the days spent skiing.

So here are some memories from our ski trip to Copper Mountain last week, brought to you courtesy of Black & White Wednesday over at The Long Road to China.

The resort, Copper Mountain...

With such great views...

Three generations of skiers: Gabe, Dad and Grandpa...

The details...

And just one with a touch of color...

One final photo for laughs, because who doesn't like a good laugh at their own expense. I think it goes perfectly with this Erma Bombeck quote:

"I do not participate in any sport with ambulances at the bottom of the hill."

This photo was taken by my oh-so-wonderful father-in-law, Dwight, during one of our crew's infamous tree runs. Dwight will probably be in shock that I actually posted this less than flattering photo of myself on the blog. He was sure that I wouldn't. Never underestimate me, Dwight {grin.}

{Disclaimer: No skiers were hurt in the making of this photo.}

I have many, many more photos from our trip to share, so stay tuned {and wait patiently while I get them all edited.} Thanks for stopping by!


  1. That first one made my think of the Olympics :) Those are some breath taking views!

    I'm so glad you posted that one of you falling. Seeing the one of you and Jason was making me re-think our friendship. How you can still be beautiful bundled in winter gear on top of a mountain is beyond me :)

    Great pictures! But you know me..I LOVE detail ones the most!

  2. I love them in the black and white seem vintage! I'm sick of winter but lets face it, it's still winter. Momma skier 0 tree 1! Better luck next time! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  3. That last one is priceless!! I love the pictures...they would make great postcards!

  4. They are beautiful! Your quote and last shot are fab!


  5. Beautiful, and I love the one with a touch of color!

  6. Beautiful shots! I am still jealous of your ski vacation. I think that without seasons, a constant pattern of weather would be boring. Without the extremes, how else can we appreciate beautiful days!

  7. Such beautiful picutures! My favorite is the one of the three generations going down the slope! I was thinking that skiing might be something I need to try, but then the "unflattering" picture reminded me why I have NOT tried it! I probably WOULD end up in an ambulance! LOL!

  8. Great shot, love the tree one, and yes I have to admit, I do love the snow, so you're not alone!

  9. Those are some stunning scenic shots!!! Love them all and especially the one that has a little bit of color.

    I love snow and Winter and pretty much have to being a native Midwestern girl...just get tired of it all by March.

    Love the quote!

  10. Living in San Antonio means I don't get to experience four distinct seasons and I really miss the seasons so much. Thanks for loving on winter when it gets such a bad rap AND for sharing your adventures. I'm a big Erma Bombeck fan and I was cracking up at the quote you used as a caption...

    Glad everyone stayed safe. Your photos are beautiful!


  11. your love for winter truly shows through your capture winter so beautifully : )

  12. spectacular views. i love all the pics
    thanks for sharing. stopping by from lisa's bw wed

  13. Interesting how much colder they look in black and white, huh!

    Loved the Erma Bombeck quote. I can relate to that!


    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  14. I love that you included your mishap! I have lived in Utah my entire life and while I love the season and winter, I am always ready for spring. You capture the beauty of God's creation beautifully.

  15. Love your winter wonderland photos! I don't ever get to experience snow the way you do, so I'm enjoying it vicariously through your photos.

    Can't wait to see the next installment.

  16. Love those pictures! I really miss the crisp cold winter. The only time we came close to this kind of whiteness was during our family trip to korea a few winters ago. Thanks for the comment on my blog.

  17. OH WOW...what beautiful views!! I think if were living in a place like that, I would learn to like winter!!

    All of the pictures are fantastic, but I LOVE the one with the hint of color....fantastic!

    Welcome Back!



  18. Love the ski photos! The black and white does make them look timeless. And I'm glad you didn't have a ski-tree accident! I was worried when I first saw the photo. Looks like it was a very fun trip and the continuation of a family tradition!

  19. Oh...ok...we'll forgive you. But only because you took some gorgeous pictures of all that white stuff.
    Actually the scenery is spectacular.

  20. OK ~ now if I had snow, MOUNTAINS, and VIEWS like that...who wouldn't LOVE it! (that would be winter lol)! Looks like you all had an amazing time! Thank You for sharing :)

  21. Love the pictures! I thoroughly enjoy winter, but I must say that by March, I'm always more than ready for spring. I feel the same way when it comes time to transition from summer to fall, though, so I think I'm just more of a neutral season kind of gal anyway!

  22. I am with you! I am a winter and snow kind of gal :-)

    Lovely pictures, lovely blog.

  23. More of the mountains! I really love the contrast, and the view looks especially pretty in black and white.

  24. BEAUTIFUL! I'm not tired of winter - ohhhhhhh that might be because we are in Australia and it has just turned to Autumn! I'd love some snow right about now - and these photos make me really miss skiing :( Great composition!!

  25. Firstly, I HAVE to say the photo of the kids across the top of the page: ABSOLUTELY THE MOST WONDERFUL, HEARTWARMING, FANTASTIC, NOSTALGIC PIECE OF PHOTOGRAPHY I'VE EVER SEEN!!!! And I mean it!!! If you knew me, you'd know I don't "blow smoke". :) You have a gorgeous family. Our most benevolent God has surely rained the blessings upon your head! The pics aere breathtaking! Have not personally been to Colorado (hubby spent a bit of time in Denver a few years back), but I did live 4 years in Wasilla, Alaska (yes...Palin's hometown) and these shots brought the beauty of the northern mountainous terrain home to me. :) God bless you and yours!
    BTW, thanks for commenting on my blog. :)

  26. Great pictures --- and I'm one of those winter fans! We enjoy the winter snowmobiling and what else is there to take pictures of snow and snow and snow! Glad you didn't get hurt in the tumble... I've never gone skiing.

    Thanks for your lovely comment on my b & w photo (baby and daddy looking in the mirror)..

  27. Angie, those are beautiful pictures! On places like that I don't mind the thought of winter at all! and if I would know how to ski, I am sure that would make winter a lot easier to handle! For me specially having grown up whit no concept of winter at all makes it even harder! At first it was fun, a novelty, but by now I just can't stand it and can only dream to retired back in my homeland someday! We'll see! Any way, awesome pictures!!

  28. Amazing, Amazing photos!!! My neck of the woods!! But me and cold weather dont mix, if it was up to me I would move the family to Hawaii!! :-)

  29. GORGEOUS!!! Makes me miss Colorado! Anytime you can be that deep in snow & actually ENJOY yourself - mystifies me!!

    Love Dwight's sense of humor taking your picture while you were "down"!!

  30. Those are some great pictures..and you one can surely admire all the Lord's handiwork when one is skiing..wish I was brave enough to try it..Why am I afraid? Your last picture spoke volumes..the TREES!!!!lol..maybe some day as I give all my fears to the Lord.
    Love the last pic with a touch of color!!

  31. Well, these are some of the most beautiful images I've seen all day on B&W.

    I love the quote by Erma Bombeck...I adored her...and the fact that you posted the "tree" picture just cracked me up!

    Nope, never underestimate the chutzpah of a woman!

    Glad no skiers were hurt !!

  32. Great pictures. I loved the one with a bit of color. My favorite pictures are the ones that are almost black and white.

  33. yes, I'll admit I'm deathly sick of this winter...but even so, your b/w ski vacation shots are amazing! Truly stunning views, perfect in black and white...snow or not ;D

  34. What a great vacation!

    I like all season myself. What age did your kids start skiing?

    Great photos!

  35. Hi Angie. Thanks for posting on my blog.
    I still can't believe that is the only shot of that moment. Usually there are many attempts. She was a good girl. Great BW pictures and some great textures of mountains and snow. I'll come back and visit soon when you are done with all this snow business. J
    ~ Becki

  36. it's still winter. Momma skier 0 tree 1! Better luck next time! Have a wonderful Wednesday!
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  37. Great photos! The views were beautiful!
